West Seattle High School’s Intersectional Feminist Club invites community support for ongoing projects

With less than eight weeks to go in the school year, students are looking ahead to next year while working toward the end of this one. That’s why one club at West Seattle High School is hoping for community support. The announcement and photo we were asked to share were sent by Kamil:

Hello! We are West Seattle High School’s Intersectional Feminist Club! We are a group of around 45 students dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming community in WSHS. We are committed to learning from each other and our community while honoring our individual identities through a feminist lens. Our overall goal is to empower our members and build a stronger community in WS rooted in feminism. We hold weekly meetings for all interested students. Within the past school year, we have held meetings about the history of feminism, analyzing the Barbie movie, Hour of Code, hosting book clubs, holiday cookie decorating, and more! We are most proud of our self-hosted, free Self-Defense class and our Menstrual Product Drive (2,092 products collected!), all proceeds to SODO Mary’s Place.

As we are nearing the end of the school year, we are seeking donations to operate our free self-defense class for WSHS students, help buy graduation cords to recognize our hardworking seniors, and for the upcoming school year’s activities. Any amount is greatly appreciated! Thank you for supporting WSHS’s IFC!

Donate at: schoolpay.com/pay/for/WSHS-Intersectional-Feminist-Club–Fundr/Sbk0bX4

3 Replies to "West Seattle High School's Intersectional Feminist Club invites community support for ongoing projects"

  • Y April 29, 2024 (10:59 am)

    Thanks for broadcasting this invitation, WSB! I’m so heartened to see that WSHS has a space like this, led by young people.

  • Nicole April 30, 2024 (7:18 am)

    Just donated!  Kids coming in to WSHS and so happy to support this so it’s strong for them too when they arrive in the next few years  

  • Kristina May 1, 2024 (6:00 am)

    My daughter graduated from WSHS in 2021, and I am so happy to make a donation in her honor to this great club. The self defense class sounds fantastic and your mission is admirable. Keep up the great work!

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