Real-estate broker West Seattle Bike Dad: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!

Today we’re welcoming Anthony Avery aka West Seattle Bike Dad, a real-estate broker with Ewing & Clark, as a new WSB sponsor. New sponsors get to tell you about themselves – here’s what West Seattle Bike Dad wants you to know:

No real-estate broker knows the city quite like I do. During the pandemic, to get outside and experience my community more intimately, I rode my bike on every street in West Seattle. When I was done with that I moved over to Rainier Valley, and now my goal is to bike every street in the city.

Before earning my real estate license, I worked as a professional city planner. When we evaluate all there is to evaluate with your potential new home, I’ll help you understand any restrictions or easements on your property, evaluate zoning and comprehensive plan implications, and we’ll track future transportation infrastructure (such as light rail construction) that may impact your property. Too many times people buy a home expecting things to never change, but change is the one constant in a city growing as fast as ours. Knowing *how* change will impact your home will help futureproof your investment.

My clients seek me out because they want a broker who experiences Seattle the way they want to. We are a one-car family of four and navigate the city by bus or bike mostly, but still utilize a car from time to time. We got rid of our second car in 2013 and thanks to saving $6k-$8k every year since then, we were able to afford a home in West Seattle when we were ready to buy here.

Finding the right neighborhood, a place with walkable access to grocery or coffee, and an easy bike or bus commute to work, school, and extracurriculars is my specialty. I also work to show different types of homes, with different layouts and amenities so my clients can explore what they want and find new things they never would’ve thought about. Especially first-time homebuyers, I always recommend visiting at least ten homes before making an offer. You learn as much about what you want in a home by walking through places you don’t want as you do looking at places you do want. Patient, kind, fun, a great listener are adjectives my clients use to describe me.

For community involvement, I participate regularly with West Seattle Bike Connections and in group rides with Cascade Bicycle Club. I have sent my twin daughters to Alki Co-Op Preschool for the last two years, which has been a great way to meet neighbors and new friends thanks to the volunteer and participation component built into the program. Here’s how to contact me!

We thank real-estate broker West Seattle Bike Dad for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here; email for info on joining the team!

2 Replies to "Real-estate broker West Seattle Bike Dad: Welcome, new WSB sponsor!"

  • Anthony Avery April 4, 2024 (12:29 pm)

    I look forward to providing amazing customer service to all my clients in and out of West Seattle! Feel free to text, call, or e-mail me anytime to ask questions or set up a meeting!

  • Stickerbush April 4, 2024 (1:31 pm)

    What are you fees for representing buyers?

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