WHALES: Orcas in the area again

For the second day, orcas are in the area. Kersti Muul texted earlier this morning that they were southbound but already passing Arbor Heights; then another texter reported less than an hour ago they were northbound passing Vashon. Orca Network commenters are seeing them off west-facing West Seattle too. Let us know if you see them!

2 Replies to "WHALES: Orcas in the area again"

  • Penpal March 16, 2024 (1:28 pm)

    Just look for the boats around them….

  • Svenry March 16, 2024 (6:07 pm)

    They paused for a while to have some fun between Brace Point and Vashon. I was busy and missed them yesterday, so this was a nice surprise on such a beautiful Saturday.

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