Westside Neighbors Shelter gets new help, from the sky to the stage

A nearby resident noticed crews installing solar panels recently atop the building in The Triangle that holds Westside Neighbors Shelter, the West Seattle Veteran Center, and American Legion Post 160. We asked shelter manager/post commander Keith Hughes about it; he said the building now has a “14.6 KW Solar Array on the roof. It was all completed with donated equipment and donated labor. By my calculations, it will provide about 65% of our current electrical use, saving us an average of about $450 per month.” We asked about the donors: “This was a joint effort of West Seattle Electric and Solar, Platt Electric Supply, and Mad Energy Solar of Puyallup.” (WS Electric and Solar is Keith’s own company.) Meantime, two other notes about West Seattle’s only emergency shelter, itself operated with donations and volunteers: First, also on the subject of utility bills, the shelter has new help to cover theirs, thanks to a church group from Capitol Hill – read about that here. Second, one week from today you’re invited to support the shelter while enjoying great music – the West Seattle-based Boeing Employees Choir is performing a benefit concert at 4 pm Sunday, April 7th. No tickets needed; donations will be accepted at the door, at St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church (3050 California SW).

4 Replies to "Westside Neighbors Shelter gets new help, from the sky to the stage"

  • Flaunt-Leroy April 1, 2024 (12:12 am)

    This is just the kind of community cooperation that makes a difference, my personal thanks and cheers to all involved.

  • Leonette April 2, 2024 (9:17 pm)

    For however of whatever you feel about the unhoused in our community, being aware and caring for our neighbors is a big deal in WS and Keith is a low key kinda guy, but he is there. 

  • Leonette April 3, 2024 (9:48 pm)

    Yeah; there is much good among us here in our peninsula

  • Shaggydogstory April 4, 2024 (11:56 pm)

    This is great news. Thanks so much Keith and WSB for all that you do.

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