Will our area’s next dog park indeed be at West Seattle Stadium? Decision due next week

(2023 Seattle Parks image of stadium study area for off-leash area)

Speaking to the Fauntleroy Community Association three weeks ago, Seattle Parkssplanning director Andy Sheffer said he believed West Seattle Stadium would be the choice for this area’s next off-leash area (dog park). As he noted, the announcement is due at the Board of Parks and Recreation Commissioners‘ February 8 meeting – and with that meeting a little more than a week away, Parks confirmed today that the final site choices, here and citywide, will be made public at that meeting. The other finalist for a West Seattle site is in Lincoln Park, as announced last June. Availability of the site south of the stadium was called into question because of a search for a site to put an EV-charging site for city-owned vehicles, but Sheffer told the FCA that the site seemed able to handle both uses. Next week’s meeting of the commission – a city-convened advisory group – is at 6:30 pm Thursday, February 8; you can attend either in person downtown or online. West Seattle currently has one official off-leash area, at Westcrest Park.

61 Replies to "Will our area's next dog park indeed be at West Seattle Stadium? Decision due next week"

  • NW January 31, 2024 (4:35 pm)

    Not a very accessible area at all this entire area for me mile away prefer to walk to or on the bus. I even found a route north west of here that unfortunately have to j walk but it is safer than crossing at these busy intersections with HEAVY TRAFFIC all the time. Just sharing my experience. Also this area is busy with public transit. 

    • Dub January 31, 2024 (5:28 pm)

      This location is incredibly accessible, there’s a Rapid Ride stop nearby, a parking lot nearby,  and incredibly walkable from the nearby dense housing along Avalon towards the Alaska Junction. I can accept that this location may not be terribly accessible for yourself specifically. But it’s an very accessible location to the community as a whole. As an aside, it’s odd to associate the public transit nearby with inaccessibility.

      • Norsegirl February 1, 2024 (10:18 pm)

        Accessible by bus? Are non-service dogs allowed on buses?!

        • Lori February 2, 2024 (9:41 am)

          Yes, dogs are allowed on buses. They don’t need to be service dogs.

    • KM January 31, 2024 (6:23 pm)

      Hopefully we could get a pedestrian signal improvement for Snoqualmie and 35th if this goes through, along with more traffic controls at Avalon (protected lefts all ways, no right on red.) It’s a scary place to cross with most drivers failing to yield for those in the crosswalk.

  • MacJ January 31, 2024 (4:54 pm)

    Mostly joking, but they should just let dogs on the golf course. There’s got to be more dog owners in WS than golfers, it’s an absurd use of city land. Heck, just give them one of the holes, 17 is plenty. That’s more space than the proposed site :D

    • Marina January 31, 2024 (5:28 pm)

      I saw a guy out on the golf course with his dog once!  I guess they allow it sometimes 

      • Derp January 31, 2024 (8:10 pm)

        Maybe during the winter when covered with snow.  But no,  they do not allow dogs on the course. It is very dangerous. Can’t believe you people,  it is a city park.  Just because you don’t golf, let the people that do have their place too. Dog park would go great right next to the pickleball courts.   you see dogs on the beach and you complain about that. Same thing here

    • Derp January 31, 2024 (6:50 pm)

      Not a good idea for you or anyone to do that. It is the busiest of all the Seattle courses and by far the best of them too. Pretty dangerous too be out there,  unless you are playing golf. We see people all the time come down from Camp Long and wonder out on the course. Have you ever been hit by a golf ball. And it would be YOUR fault. I really hope you are joking.  

      • Brian January 31, 2024 (7:22 pm)

        Golf is unimportant. 

        • Derp January 31, 2024 (8:07 pm)

          Maybe for you, just because you don’t like it. Everybody is trying to save green places and these are a needed part for the city. 

          • MacJ January 31, 2024 (8:24 pm)

            Golf courses might be literally green, but huge lawns of heavily tended grass aren’t really doing much for the local ecology. Especially when you think about how everything they’re pouring onto it ends up in Longfellow Creek. It’s about as natural as a cemetery.

          • KM January 31, 2024 (8:30 pm)

            Golf courses are indeed green, but very much not a green space. And definitely a detriment to the environment.

          • Rah February 7, 2024 (5:38 am)

            Leave the courses alone 

          • Brian January 31, 2024 (8:56 pm)

            How much someone likes something doesn’t grant it importance. Golf is not important. 

          • Derp January 31, 2024 (11:51 pm)

            Exactly,  just because you don’t like it,  it can’t be done.  Sounds like you are putting your foot down.  Better stick to pickleball.  If people can’t keep off the new fields at Hiawatha and delridge,  they will not stay out of the golf course. I mean come on,  look at the beaches around Alki. Too many privileged people thinking it is ok to do it. What is wrong with people

          • Duffy February 1, 2024 (6:43 am)

            Golf is as important to me as dogs are to dog owners. Im being serious. Please don’t put what is important to you above what’s important to others.

          • come now January 31, 2024 (9:59 pm)

            That’s practically the definition of important – something of value to people (not just you).  I don’t golf, but your comment is just absurd, you can’t define what is important, it’s different things to different people.  As in, your comment is of no importance. 

          • Brian January 31, 2024 (11:08 pm)

            The cool thing about my unimportant comment is that, unlike golf, it’s not destroying the environment

          • Emma February 1, 2024 (7:27 am)

            Dog parks are terrible for the environment. 

          • Rah February 7, 2024 (5:39 am)

            How’s it destroying it ? Lolthats a reach 

    • walkerws February 1, 2024 (4:39 pm)

      Best case scenario is that the golf course is incorporated into Camp Long and developed to become part of the trail system, and part of it also becomes an off leash dog park.

    • Rah February 7, 2024 (5:37 am)

      No they they should not , because if you get hit by a golf ball of your dog goes it’s your fault . And most of you don’t even pick up your dog poop . Leave the golf courses alone . 

  • Yeah January 31, 2024 (5:02 pm)

    Just add the off-leash area next to the new pickleball courts at Lincoln Park already.

    • Jim January 31, 2024 (8:52 pm)

      Both are terrible ideas 

      • Kersti Muul January 31, 2024 (9:49 pm)

        And why both won’t happen 

        • Erik January 31, 2024 (11:06 pm)

          Wait…didn’t they already say they were going ahead with the pickleball courts?

        • Alki resident January 31, 2024 (11:40 pm)

          Says who? You? Just because you don’t play doesn’t mean we can’t have pickleball in Lincoln Park. 

          • Jim February 1, 2024 (4:00 am)

            It’s not a matter of whether I like the sport or not. It’s the environmental impact in the fact that the city government is attempting to skirt the law

  • Kersti Muul January 31, 2024 (5:25 pm)

    Stadium it is.. Not sure why the drag out session 

    • John January 31, 2024 (10:34 pm)

      Agreed 100% 

    • Alki resident January 31, 2024 (11:45 pm)

      Lincoln Park is multi use and would make much more sense to have it at Lincoln Park. 

      • John February 1, 2024 (3:15 am)

        “multi use” is an interesting term to try to ram through something that will have a negative impact on the environment in the area

        • K February 1, 2024 (6:07 pm)

          It’s already paved and being used as a maintenance storage facility.  How is maintenance equipment better for the environment than people?  I swear, these posts trying to paint that part of Lincoln Park as some kind of pristine wilderness make it really hard to take you guys seriously, and even harder to take your side.  

          • John February 2, 2024 (12:10 am)

            It was used for stuff like gravel bark and wood chips not exactly something that has a negative impact on the environment. What’s left of what was a tennis court is busted up cracked weather worn uneven surface. The city is currently attempting to skirt the law in a legally go forward with this project and it will be stopped

      • Kersti Muul February 6, 2024 (12:32 pm)

        My comment wasn’t am opinion, or question. It’s been confirmed by parks that the off leash area is going to be at the stadium, not Lincoln Park….

  • spongebob January 31, 2024 (8:05 pm)

    It doesn’t feel right being there right at some of the busiest intersections of West Seattle. Are they sure they can’t fit it in somewhere closer to the water where there’s more nature/trees, and not so cluttered with traffic? 

  • Dewayne January 31, 2024 (8:37 pm)

    It should be…

  • Parkgoer January 31, 2024 (9:44 pm)

    We want a public park — not a golf course! Please, someone help me understand: How do we petition this to the city? Is Mr Saka reading this ? Can we organize for this?  

    • Emma February 1, 2024 (7:30 am)

      Actually some of us are 100% happy with and use the golf course regularly. Totally disagree with doing anything to the golf course. 

      • Alki resident February 1, 2024 (9:47 am)

        We use Lincoln Park regularly. There’s plenty to do there plus go next door for Mexican food, win win. 

        • Jim February 2, 2024 (12:11 am)

          Well Lincoln Park isn’t a dog park 🤷‍♂️

  • dogowner January 31, 2024 (10:02 pm)

    Right now the dog parks are on the new Hiawatha turf (saw 12 dogs there in 3 hours), new Delridge turf, and new Madison turf. The new turf being used it maddening.The city really needs a large dog park in WS. More than one. I agree that the golf course land would be better used another way. Does it make a profit for the city? Changing it into a 9-hole course would be a great idea. Then we could get more park for everyone to use. A great place to add pickleball AND dog park!!

    • SS January 31, 2024 (11:21 pm)

      I sent this comment to Animal Control. I’ve been reporting these violations for 15+ years. Problem stays consistent. I kind of doubt a new OLA will help. People love proximity.

      • dogowner February 1, 2024 (6:47 am)

        Thank you SS. Too many people think their dogs are their children. I love my dogs, but they can carry parasites in their poop and their claws can tear the turf. Their pee bleaches the turf. I walk my dogs on the sidewalk and play with them in my house and backyard. I do understand wanting your dog to have room to run, but as a city dog owner, we still have rules to follow!

    • MM February 1, 2024 (9:25 am)

      And the Arbor Heights Elementary play field, where there is an organized “club” of dog owners who let their dogs off leash and who don’t seem to understand that even if you scoop, feces and disease is still left on a children’s play field. 

  • TJ January 31, 2024 (11:13 pm)

    The golf course has been one of the busiest in the state year after year, and the busiest public course a couple times. So no, the course isn’t going to be repurposed. This is what happens when you want a denser West Seattle. Not enough land for every public use wish. Parking lots have been taboo to urbanists for a while. Now the golf course. Soon people may complain that cemeteries are wasted space. Dog ownership is a choice, but here we are relying on the city to provide a space to let them run free. I grew up having dogs my whole life. Love them.wanted one when I was in early adulthood but didn’t think a apartment was appropriate. When I bought my first house I got one and my he ran free in the backyard.

  • littlebrowndog February 1, 2024 (5:53 am)

     I both walk and drive through the Alaska Junction. Especially with the greatly increased density I see lots of people walking their dogs (on leash). This location is highly accessible for them by walking, driving, and the C Line depending on their chosen mode of transportation. Other buses from further south on 35th make it accessible from that way, too. If barren land isn’t preferred then lobby the Parks Dept to plant fast growing shrubs and trees. Increasing the tree canopy is a very green thing to do. Sadly there’s just no place in WS with water accessibility. If you want to go to a dog park with water accessibility it’s going to have to be Magnuson, Luther Burbank, or Marymoor. Although not free there are many SniffSpots in WS and neighboring areas and if you go further out there are multiple acres ones with woods, fields, and water. If you do it with a few friends it becomes more affordable (albeit not free) and they are great for dogs for whom dog parks don’t work for a myriad of reasons. There are no locations that all players will agree are suitable. Dog parks often aren’t green options either. There’s deterioration of water banks, runoff from urine that is increased by dogs in congregated areas and remaining streaks of feces even after diligent efforts to pick it up, trampling of foliage, reduced bird habitat  due to the presence of so many dogs and people. Ever been to the restored  Nisqually Wildlife Refuge where people have to stay on boardwalks and dogs can’t accompany them, or Federal Parks where dogs aren’t permitted even on leash? There’s lots of science, not just opinions and anecdotal observations, about the impact of dogs on flora and fauna. And that’s just single or a pair of dogs, not the groups found in dog parks. I’m not saying that urban dog parks shouldn’t exist, I’m saying it’s disingenuous to argue that golf courses aren’t green usage and dog parks are. There are also many veterinarians and acclaimed dog trainers (no, I’m not talking about Petco trainers) who are opposed to dog parks as well as individual owners who learned hard lessons. You object to your tax dollars being used for golf courses? I’m a dog owner and for green environments and safety reasons I don’t support dog parks so I personally would prefer my tax dollars go to other uses. I recognize, though, that others love dog parks. And I personally don’t use golf courses, running tracks, swimming pools, baseball and soccer fields,  community centers, brick and mortar libraries, etc. but I recognize they all have constituencies for whom they are very important. So I pay my taxes and support their existence. And for the record baseball and soccer fields are big expanses of grass rather than trees and shrubs and are even mostly vacant for significant periods. But there’s no way I’d argue to kids and families that they shouldn’t exist.

  • Brian February 1, 2024 (7:18 am)

    Given the density of the junction and number of dogs in that area, this location makes sense. When originally proposed I thought they were talking about converting the shotput area of WS Stadium into the dog park and I thought was brilliant because it’s already fenced and is hardly ever used (especially in comparison to the golf course). This location will work though and has a good amount of parking and proximity to dense housing area. A better crosswalk at Snoqualmie would be nice but you can go a block in either direction to cross the street at a signaled intersection. All and all a good choice by the parks department. 

  • Jethro Marx February 1, 2024 (7:48 am)

    These comments kind of remind me of a hyperactive dog. So far we’ve got people complaining the location is hard to get to because of all the transit serving the area, suggesting a dog park in a city should not be so close to city streets, repurposing the golf course because of their half-informed environmental notions, and arguing about pickleball/birds on the other end of the peninsula. Oh and of course people complaining about dogs on beaches. If someone could just chime in with a complaint about needing more parking and less pizza around here we’d be set up forever. 

    • miws February 1, 2024 (11:02 am)

      Jethro,  in homage to WSB’s early days, don’t forget Merlot… —Mike 

      • Jeff February 1, 2024 (1:46 pm)

        Or going way back, this location would be perfect for a Trader Joe’s!

    • SugarButt February 1, 2024 (11:12 am)

      Come for the comments,Stay for the pizza.

    • littlebrowndog February 1, 2024 (11:36 am)

      How about a gluten-free food truck set up at the dog park, taking up 4 parking spots?

  • MJ February 1, 2024 (10:57 am)

    Genuinely curious what people think of this idea: What about more, but smaller, fenced off leash areas? I take my dog to westcrest, and it’s huge, maybe more than necessary. What about fencing moderate sized areas in some parks, near athletic fields? I have kids and a dog, and it’s nuts our kids have to deal with poop, holes in turf, (which can lead to sprained ankles), etc. I don’t do batting practice at the dog park, so don’t let pets on kids’ playfields.Feel the same way about street racing. Give people a track to use for a reasonable fee, and levy heavy penalties for those that race on the road.

    • zark00 February 2, 2024 (11:47 am)

      99% of Seattle dog owners simply do not care. 

      • nothend February 2, 2024 (3:46 pm)

          Agreed.  And because the golf course is the only playfield that actually enforces the no dog rule the dog owners can’t stand it. So they have to go back to Alki beach, Bar-S or Hiawatha.  I think more dog owners should take up golf.  They’d learn that rules and etiquette are important.

  • Lincoln park mom February 1, 2024 (12:16 pm)

    What we all fail to realize is that it is NOT the city’s responsibility to provide a play space for YOUR pet.  I consider myself lucky that they are doing this for our furry friends and support whatever decision they make.

    • Dub February 1, 2024 (2:07 pm)

      I’ve heard this take so many times and it’s just completely flawed and biased. You could apply this reasoning to anything the city provides that isn’t considered essential to whomever: “it’s not the city’s responsibility to provide a play space for your *insert hobby or pastime here* (E.g. golf, like mentioned above). That reasoning is ridiculous and a misunderstanding of the purpose of city government and services. The city provides many services that aren’t essential or are not used by one portion of the population or another. It provides these services because residents want and need them and they have a responsibility to address the wants and needs of residents.

      • Alki resident February 1, 2024 (2:24 pm)

        Absolutely spot on Dub!

  • West Seattle Mad Sci Guy February 1, 2024 (6:47 pm)

    I get the feeling one or more people in this thread are trolling (saying things they don’t believe just to make other people make angry replies). Don’t feed the trolls. 

Sorry, comment time is over.