WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Man assaulted with golf club

Last night at about 8:40 pm, SPD and SFD responded to a report of an assault at 35th/Henderson. Medics reported the victim was a man around 50 years old hit multiple times in the head with a golf club, according to archived audio we checked after a witness sent this reader report today:

I want to report an upsetting incident that happened last night. I witnessed a houseless man that was in front of the Southwest Branch library on 35th get attacked by a man with a golf club. I was walking my dog at 8:30 pm on 35th, saw the houseless man by the library when I first started my walk, and when I turned around to head back home there was a man dressed in all black (did not appear houseless) talking to him. The men started to argue and the victim was trying to shoo the other man away. The man in black then threw a bunch of liquid on the man’s face, the victim started running toward the Shell station on Henderson and unfortunately ran straight into the telephone pole. He hit the ground and the man and black who was chasing him started swinging the golf club at the victim’s head. I called 911 immediately and went into my apartment as the man with the golf club was also taking swings at cars that were passing by and honking.

With the 911 operator on the line I went back outside to see the victim being helped by another man who was out walking his dog and the Shell station employees. The police showed up quickly right as I returned to the scene. The victim had a bad head wound and was taken to the hospital. The man in black ran off, which is frightening because he truly came out of nowhere swinging and I’m convinced if a few of us hadn’t been walking our dogs on this cold night this would have resulted in a death. As far as I know this guy is still on the loose.

The only descriptive info we heard on recorded dispatch audio was: Black, male, about 5’8″, dressed – as the witness said – in all black, including a pulled-up hoodie. The dispatcher also mentioned a possible accomplice: white, male, black beanie and hoodie. We won’t have access to followup info from SPD until Tuesday; if you have information, the case number is 24-011199, and the violent-crimes tip line is 206-233-5000.

ADDED 3:35 PM: SFD says the victim was in stable condition when taken to Harborview Medical Center – by private ambulance, which generally means the injuries were not expected to be life-threatening.

9 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Man assaulted with golf club"

  • Montana Griz January 13, 2024 (2:03 pm)

    Thank you for helping the victim of the attack.

  • Alki resident January 13, 2024 (3:13 pm)

    The gas station hopefully has video. People are disgusting. 

  • Shadowtripper January 13, 2024 (3:54 pm)

    It’s really the Wild West on the streets.  Attacking a vulnerable person only shows the mentality of these thugs.  Only thing gained was a high from beating up a citizen.  Maybe it’s time to clean up our streets?  We’ve been lead down the wrong road  on forgiving those that terrorize our streets and businesses.  Could have been anyone, day or night. 

    • Alki resident January 14, 2024 (10:21 am)

      There is currently a bill at the state, sponsored by our west Seattle rep, Bill 1994 that eliminates jail time for misdemeanors, if the person asks for diversion and makes meaningful actions in the course. This will be done with the defense and judge only, with no input from prosecutors. The offense will then be wiped from their record. Please check it out, and if you don’t agree write our representatives! I believe there needs to be consequences for actions that hurt others. 

      • Community Member January 14, 2024 (1:27 pm)

        This news story clearly describes a felony, not a misdemeanor.

  • AT January 13, 2024 (4:08 pm)

    That’s horrifying.

  • Just Say No to Thugs January 13, 2024 (5:22 pm)

    That could very well have been a homicide. Those Shell station owners are top-notch and really keep an eye out for that whole intersection. Thanks to all who helped save the victim’s life.

  • 1994 January 13, 2024 (9:02 pm)

    That is very upsetting.  I walk that area frequently but typically earlier in the evening. Thanks for the dog walkers being aware of what is happening out there and taking care of the poor guy who got beaten. Such shameful behavior from the golf club  terrorist guy.

  • Terremoto January 14, 2024 (1:00 pm)

    Sorry to hear of this violent attack. Bullies out looking for helpless victims – horrible.  Glad that walkers and station folk came to the aid of this poor man, who was obviously already dealing with survival in the frigid temperatures. Can only expect he is very traumatized – hope he might be offered housing.  Some sick people among us.

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