WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation

After multiple 911 calls about suspected gunfire heard in Fairmount Ravine, police went to the area, and officers have just told dispatch the gunfire is confirmed – they’ve found casings. They’re “just past the Admiral bridge,” which dispatch calculates is in the 2500 block of Fairmount Avenue [map]. No word of injuries so far.

7 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Gunfire investigation"

  • Concerned January 14, 2024 (9:54 pm)

    Gunfire is CONFIRMED 

    • WSB January 15, 2024 (11:37 am)

      Thanks, fixed.

  • J January 14, 2024 (10:44 pm)

    I’ve often seen guys who look like they’re going into or coming out of the woods in that exact location (while driving by). Might be a good idea for law enforcement to check it out. There are homes nearby that might be relieved if that were to happen.

  • JM January 15, 2024 (10:22 am)

    Yes, I live right above the ravine there and I heard the gun fire last night. 7 shots, then a pause, then 2 more shots. There must be an encampment in the woods on the west side slope of the ravine. The fence behind Admiral Dental is cut, and there are 3-4 guys who regularly pass through the fence and down into the woods there, usually just with backpacks and maybe a skateboard, but I’ve seen them taking propane tanks and other stuff down there as well. 

    • Tony January 15, 2024 (5:08 pm)

      The last time someone fired a gun down there, it was two idiots in a $50K pickup truck. I know this as fact because I came up on them as they did it, and subsequently called the police. Don’t be so quick to put the blame on houseless individuals. 

      • Daniel January 15, 2024 (7:06 pm)

        There’s also that crazy dude who owns or lives in one of the houses there, shot a deer rifle.  Twice over 10 years, including once at a neighbor’s house: 2014 and 2023.

        • Mel January 16, 2024 (8:53 am)

          Yes that was my first thought. I think he’s 40 by now and lives there on and off with his mother who I feel so badly for.

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