WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Global Smoke & Vape robbery, Starbucks burglaries

9:59 PM: This is all breaking right now. Police have just arrived at Global Smoke & Vape (35th/Roxbury) after a report that two people robbed the store at gunpoint. So far the robbers are described as white, male, in black ski masks and dark clothing. (This is the store that dealt with multiple crash-and-grab burglaries last year.)

Police are also responding to two local Starbucks stores with reports of burglaries that just happened – Alki and Admiral. The person who is reported to have broken into the Alki store is described as 5’8″, in a dark blue puffy jacket, dark pants; the only description from Admiral so far is someone in a gray hoodie who got into a vehicle described as a gray Nissan Rogue.

10:39 PM: No further information except that SFD was dispatched to the Alki scene to board up the door.

(Added: Photo sent by Charlotte)

11:59 PM: And now an SFD truck is being sent to “secure” the Admiral shop.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Global Smoke & Vape robbery, Starbucks burglaries"

  • Alki resident January 22, 2024 (11:04 pm)

    I wonder if this is completely random or if it was orchestrated to have two incidents unfold around the same time being our police are so thin right now. Global goes not deserve all of this non sense they’ve endured a full year now. Unreal 

  • Odd son January 23, 2024 (2:22 am)

    I was at the intersection of CA and Admiral and saw a patrol car go eastbound on Admiral followed by one go westbound on Admiral. 

  • Chris January 23, 2024 (5:17 am)

    Curious.   What would they be after in Starbucks?   Food, cash registers??

    • Mr J January 23, 2024 (9:11 am)

      My guess is that they didn’t do their homework and realized Starbucks has time delayed safes and there is no way you’re getting what little money is likely on-site. 

  • ER January 23, 2024 (7:59 am)

    Regarding the Global robbery, at 9:42pm a car driving southbound on 30th drove past my house. It was driving at a very very high speed that I actually checked my ring.

  • Jansom Smith January 23, 2024 (10:04 am)

    I would assume at all Starbucks all cash is locked in a safe overnight. So unsure what they would be breaking in those stores for? Any updates on SPD hiring? I can’t wait til the day when Seattle has a fully staffed or even overstaffed department again and a department that can take proactive measures to stop crime and criminal especially these property crimes, carjackings, etc. But with that we need candidates to run for the judge positions in KC who will actually lock up criminals especially the violent repeat offenders. 

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