WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Kia theft attempt; (added) dumped Hyundai

9:48 AM: The photo is from Stephanie, whose son discovered early this morning “that the rear passenger window on our 2020 Kia Sportage was smashed. It was parked in our carport at the apartments on 24th and Holden in Delridge.” They subsequently found the steering column was broken, so someone had tried to steal the car. Not the first time: “This is the third incident with our Kia. It was stolen in October 2022 (recovered the next day with plenty of damage), the door lock was broken in May 2023.”

ADDED 11:33 AM: Just sent by Elena:

Found at 37th and Myrtle still running. Back window smashed and trunk pillaged. Still running.

9 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Kia theft attempt; (added) dumped Hyundai"

  • 1994 January 27, 2024 (3:53 pm)

    Curses on whomever put this on social media to share how to steal  these makes of cars. More curses on those who steal anything!

  • santa cap January 27, 2024 (11:00 pm)

    When you’re young and wanna explore boundaries it must be awful tempting to try your hand at an easily accessible vehicle.  It’s really Kia/Hyundais fault and they should be required to do a recall.  These stolen vehicles are involved in major crimes all over the region, read the news.  When it’s life threatening it should be a major recall.  

    • Brian January 28, 2024 (7:28 am)

      What on earth… exploring boundaries lmao. It’s car theft that ruins the victims day/week/month. It’s not sneaking out to go see an r rated movie. 

      • Stephanie January 28, 2024 (2:58 pm)

        Agree with Brian. That’s my car in the picture. Kia did / does offer a security upgrade and I had it installed right away. Didn’t keep them from smashing the window and breaking open the steering column again. It did keep them from being able to steal the car, but still money out of pocket for me and more car repairs. It’s not just a prank. 

    • WS Guy January 28, 2024 (2:46 pm)

      I was just going to say this.  When a car manufacturer makes it as easy as smashing a window to break into a locked car, then cracking open the ignition housing on the steering column, then turning the internal ignition mechanism in order to steal it, what teen could resist?

      I hope that we as a society can recognize that Kia is at fault for baiting otherwise honest teens into crime.

      • WW Resident January 29, 2024 (11:23 am)

        I hope this is sarasm!! What teen could resist?! Plenty!! The majority of them. Seriously?; Shop lifting is super easy with no consequences and I see teens do it all the time at QFC in Westwood. Doesn’t mean all other teens are doing it. Again, I hope to gawd this is sarcasm otherwise this is one of the dumbest takes on this issue yet

        • Al King January 29, 2024 (12:27 pm)

          WW Res. Clearly is sarcasm. However, if you’ve read many of the comments on the various Kia/Hyundai thefts and vandalisms there are a lot of people with that attitude. Scary isn’t it! 

    • Dora January 28, 2024 (2:47 pm)

      Mine was recalled many months back I had to call but nonetheless got my system upgraded. Call your dealership explain and ask can’t hurt tell em you have heard of recalls

  • RAS January 28, 2024 (11:46 pm)

    What is missing here is the people who dumped the Hyundai stole the Kia Soul it parked in front of. 

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