Seattle City Councilmembers choose Tanya Woo to join them

(Seattle Channel image)

4:17 PM: Tanya Woo has joined the Seattle City Council as holder of citywide Position 8, at least until the November election. She was sworn in immediately after her appointment to the council on a 5-3 vote. Woo was the choice of Council President Sara Nelson and Councilmembers Bob Kettle, Cathy Moore, Maritza Rivera, and Rob Saka; Councilmember Joy Hollingsworth voted for Linh Thai, Councilmember Tammy Morales for Mari Sugiyama, and Councilmember Dan Strauss for Vivian Song. Woo will serve until the November election, in which whomever the voters choose – whether Woo or someone else – will serve the final year of what was Teresa Mosqueda‘s term before she was elected to the King County Council.

4:49 PM: As noted in the official announcement of the voting results, Woo “will chair the Sustainability, City Light, Arts, and Culture committee. She will also serve as the Vice Chair of the Libraries, Education, and Neighborhoods Committee and as a member of the Housing and Human Services, Land Use, and Transportation Committees.” Council President Nelson had said committees – where much council business gets done before reaching the full council for votes – would not start meeting until after the new councilmember was appointed.

Meantime, it should be noted that before this afternoon’s vote, councilmembers got one last chance to speak, offering general praise for all eight finalists. D-1 Councilmember Saka called it a “very, very tough decision.” He said the process is admittedly “imperfect” but the voters will have an “immediate” chance in November to have a say on who holds the job from that point on. He said he’d received “hundreds of emails” and also said “we need to move beyond over-politicizing the process” despite these “hyper-politicized times.” He added that “no one’s beating down my door for endorsements … I’m just a dad from Delridge” but said decisions like this are what he and his colleagues were elected to make.

55 Replies to "Seattle City Councilmembers choose Tanya Woo to join them"

  • Rhonda January 23, 2024 (4:21 pm)

    WOO HOO!!!

  • Al King January 23, 2024 (4:29 pm)

    Well, we’ll see what she actually does. Her actions will speak louder than her words.

  • Derek January 23, 2024 (4:30 pm)

    Awful choice, now we have a council that is full of just the same anti homeless/anti upzoning/anti transit that will just install a police and surveillance state. Yippee! Woo doesn’t even vote and lost her own election and gets to fail upwards, incredible display of anti-democracy here. And Sara Nelson had the spine to pick on fairly tame and softball critics over the Tim Ceis email leak. Gross behavior. Woo isn’t even close to the woman we DID ELECT. Dark day. There’s a reason Labor didn’t back Woo. She is NOT for the people.

    • wscommuter January 23, 2024 (5:44 pm)

      “… police and surveillance state”?   You should get out more.  Seriously.  Perhaps visit, ya know, an actual police and surveillance state … like China, Iran,  Russia, North Korea, just to name a few of low-hanging fruit as possibilities and perhaps a basis for comparison.  Just a thought.    That, or maybe dial back the silly rhetoric.  

      • Derek January 23, 2024 (7:19 pm)

        Brett from South City Emerald said it best: “There are a lot of puppets on this city council but none more so than this wealthy woman (Woo) who was handed a consolation prize seat immediately after losing a democratic election in her own district. No one with any integrity would do that. Shameful..” and I’m clearly talking about their endless sweeps and promotion of traffic cameras at every watch. Not to mention funding our own panopticon with doorbell camera footage all over.

        • One January 24, 2024 (6:15 am)

          Never one mention of a police state.  

      • KL January 30, 2024 (1:12 pm)

        @WScommuter, I couldn’t agree more. Well said

    • K January 23, 2024 (5:59 pm)

      It’s also a council full of do-nothings.  Despite rhetoric, none have a track record of actually getting things done.  It’s kind of a win-win, if you’re the cynical type.  The anti-homeless, let’s-solve-everything-with-police types will get all of the posturing they can handle from people who Say The Right Things, and those who fear the policies espoused by these empty suits are unlikely to see any real policy, action, or follow through on their talking points. It’s the real reason the big money backs these candidates. They’re not trying to get anything new, they need well-paid seat-warmers to make sure they don’t have to start paying taxes and contributing to the city they take so much from.

    • B January 23, 2024 (6:08 pm)

      I completely agree — as a District 2 voter, I’m really disgusted.  This council is a frightening turn for our city.

    • Brad January 23, 2024 (7:42 pm)

      Derek, overreact much?  Sounds like your problem is with Mosquada bailing, not Woo   Welcome to the unhappy club of which many of us just left.   Surprised you didn’t throw the R word or MAGA at Woo. 

    • Mel January 23, 2024 (8:00 pm)

      Sorry Derek but this liberal state has more rules on us than the cops do. A “police state”? That would never happen in this city, county, state. This is such a false narrative you’re spreading 

      • Brian January 24, 2024 (9:46 am)

        I’m saying this to be helpful but you should educate yourself on what the term “police state” means. It’s not an explicit definition that the literal police are making you do or not do things. The police are a big part of it, but not the entirety of such a system. 

    • whataboutthecreedence January 23, 2024 (9:19 pm)

      Since it was going so well before! Lmao

    • Wootwoot January 24, 2024 (9:14 am)

      Woo Hooo……  your just a hater. Why don’t you be the one to help those people you think who needs help instead of judging people who can do the work.

    • Kelly McKinney January 24, 2024 (4:49 pm)

      I neither like nor dislike Tanya Woo.  I don’t know much about her.  The process whereby she was chosen is prescribed by law.For those who are unhappy saying she lost her election against Morales, I would remind that it was a very narrow loss.  Almost half the of the people in District 2 preferred Woo over Morales.  This is a temporary appointment.  She has to run again in November 2024 and again in 2025.  If people are unhappy, by all means vote for someone else.

    • Oh Seattle January 25, 2024 (8:13 am)

      Did it bother you that Nikkita Oliver had a history of not voting when they ran for mayor? Of course they claimed they were too poor to vote so I’m guessing that made it OK.

  • bummer January 23, 2024 (4:42 pm)

    Looking forward to a city council that serves the major corporations and private wealth that funded their campaigns :) oh wait

    • Jeff January 23, 2024 (5:54 pm)

      Yeah this is a slap in the face democracy. We elected Teresa for 4 years.  Absurd that there’s not at least an election for this seat…

      • WSB January 23, 2024 (6:02 pm)

        There is. August primary, November general.

        • Jeff January 23, 2024 (6:10 pm)

          I know that, I meant right now… wasn’t clear. I wish they wouldn’t allow this to happen and allowed Mosqueda to serve both or hold an election immediately.

          • KT January 24, 2024 (10:09 am)

            Maybe you should be mad at Teresa.  Cynically ran for two jobs at the same time to ensure she came out with at least one.  She didn’t want the one you elected her to obviously, she wanted the County Council position.  

          • WSB January 24, 2024 (10:40 am)

            She did not run for two jobs at the same time. She was reelected to the City Council two years ago for a four-year term; if not for her departure, this position would not have been back before voters until the 2025 elections.

  • NotSoFast January 23, 2024 (4:45 pm)

    It’s been verified. This counsel elected a loser who doesn’t vote to fill the open seat. Good lord help us all.  

    • CAM January 23, 2024 (10:50 pm)

      They value money more than the opinions of the people who vote. 

  • M January 23, 2024 (4:46 pm)

    Good choice!

  • Robert C January 23, 2024 (4:47 pm)

    Seattle’s wealthiest donors and big corporations just bought themselves another City Council seat, with a 2023 election loser now getting appointed to the Council – and the only one who yesterday said she opposed progressive taxes. 

    • Shanti January 23, 2024 (5:02 pm)

      Tanya Woo was a wonderful choice!

    • Adam January 23, 2024 (5:10 pm)

      She opposes progressive taxes? Then I’ll vote for her twice next time she runs. 

  • Jaybrow January 23, 2024 (5:12 pm)

    Smart pick—you can tell because the professional activists hate it. I’m excited to see adults in the room again.

    • MacJ January 24, 2024 (10:27 am)

      Tim Ceis, who campaigned for Woo’s appointment, is literally a professional activist

  • Rosey January 23, 2024 (5:45 pm)

    Talk about failing up. What a joke.

  • Alki resident January 23, 2024 (5:54 pm)

    This is excellent news. Welcome Tanya! Thrilled you are here. 

  • Millie January 23, 2024 (6:20 pm)

    Let’s give the new Councilmember an opportunity to prove or disprove her capabilities before becoming so negative.  This is a temporary appointment.  We have several months to see her in action before the  fall election season.

  • ShermanO January 23, 2024 (6:33 pm)

    She lost to Morales by only a few hundred votes. For a temporary appointment, she is the most appropriate choice since she clearly had substantial voter support.

    • Foop January 24, 2024 (10:05 am)

      And yet, she your logic we should have a different president today.

      • Daniel January 24, 2024 (3:08 pm)

        That’s not really a good analogy?  A good analogy would be if the current president leaves for a different elected position (which would be weird at that level), then the second place becomes president.  Which is sorta how it would have originally worked, back when the VP was just the second place (pre 1800, e.g. Jefferson was 2nd place, became VP).

        • bradley January 24, 2024 (8:18 pm)

          Ok, how about, more citizens vote for her to be a SCC member than all of the other candidates combined, since they didn’t even bother to try and run against Morales.

  • 937 January 23, 2024 (6:41 pm)

    OK. now that’s settled…

    Police Union Contract – NOW!! 4 years without has been long enough!!

    • CAM January 23, 2024 (11:08 pm)

      I also wish they had a new contract but probably for different reasons than you. You want to know why SPOG doesn’t have a contract currently? 1) They won’t agree to changes to their contract that would prevent them (and only them) from intentionally slowing down investigations into their misconduct to “run out the clock” and prevent them from being investigated. 2) They won’t agree that in cases that would be considered serious offenses (or serious felonies) to remove the statute of limitations on investigations (which would make them more consistent with typical criminal investigations that they conduct themselves). 3) They won’t agree to limit their right to arbitration after someone has been found guilty of serious misconduct and been terminated from their job (because they want to hold onto those people? fyi, most police investigated are not found guilty…they’re defending the lowest of the low). 4) They want a contract that is inconsistent with state legislation passed to being them into compliance with the consent agreement they were forced to comply with because they were found to be violating the civil rights of the people of Seattle. 

  • Del January 23, 2024 (6:41 pm)

    Congratulations Tanya Woo! I’m so happy we have a council-member from district 2 who actually cares about district 2, and her city. 

  • Jort January 23, 2024 (7:18 pm)

    I look forward to the council solving all of the problems that just couldn’t get solved because of the apparently insurmountable barriers that … Kshama Sawant?? … put in the way. I’ve been told for many, many years that the “clowncil” was the root of all of Seattle’s problems. Well, for those astute political observers, I wonder — what will the new excuse be? Will Kshama’s spooky, spooky spirit be haunting the chambers, forcing the council to not actually solve anything, still? The Seattle Times Editorial Board got everything it could have ever wanted in this election … and more. What will be the excuse, now? They have total and complete control. Can’t blame the “activists” and the “progressives” anymore. For anything. At all. You have Total. Complete. Control. The progressives have nothing. You have everything. You can’t blame the “libs” anymore. You guys are the dog that actually caught the car. Now what? It’s on you guys, now. Good luck. Everybody will be watching. You got EVERYTHING you wanted. Better deliver!

    • CAM January 23, 2024 (10:54 pm)

      First things first, please have this business friendly group of millionaires convince whoever it is that owns the rat infested hole in the ground at 3rd and Columbia to either 1) build something finally, 2) clean it up, or 3) sell it to someone who will do 1 or 2. I’m sure they’ll be able to manage it since they are all on so much better terms with the billionaires and business class. 

    • 937 January 24, 2024 (10:46 am)

      Jort – or should I say Chicken Little… The sky is definitely not falling. The dreaded “You’s” haven’t won anything. The “We’s” haven’t lost anything (except a grandstanding narcissist and a child who looks like he dresses in daddy’s suit). There was an election. The people who captured the most votes, won. Except Woo – but, alas, to the victor go the spoils.

      Politics is not a “you vs me”, Jort. Once you (and a GREAT MANY of the American population) realize this – we may actually step forward. Together.

  • Brad January 23, 2024 (7:47 pm)

    The best part is we all get to vote for her again citywide.  No hiding in District  3. 

  • David January 23, 2024 (8:32 pm)


  • JustAnotherLackey January 23, 2024 (9:22 pm)

    Great. Harrell’s conservative corporate backers squeezed another lackey into the council.  Never mind the multi-billion dollar vanity projects aimed primarily at the tourism district of downtown Seattle despite empty storefronts and businesses continuing to close in that area, it’s not like there’s an entire city and its outlying districts that needs tending to or anything.  Of course Harrell’s other corporate-owned lackeys are the voting majority.

    • Scarlett January 24, 2024 (6:49 pm)

      They aren’t conservatives, they are big government types who  get their goodies through society approved avenues, saving them the embarassment of standing in line at the checkout with an EBT card.    

  • Dr Wu January 23, 2024 (9:30 pm)

    Very good choice. Hopefully a counterweight to SCC Tammy Morales. 

  • Peter January 23, 2024 (10:46 pm)

    The general idiocy of both the pro and con comments here gives me zero hope for the future of humanity. Why do you idiots think the city council is all powerful and could instantly solve every problem if only just the people you and only you personally approve of were on the council? Idiots. 

    • 937 January 24, 2024 (10:48 am)

      Hear hear!!

    • Rhonda January 24, 2024 (12:32 pm)

      Perhaps you should stop calling your fellow West Seattle residents “idiots” on the WSB? West Seattle has a higher-than-average number of highly-educated professionals and those with university educations. My guess is you wouldn’t call them that to their faces in line at the coffee shop or grocery store, so why do that on here?

      • 937 January 24, 2024 (4:29 pm)

        I do. Idiocy needs to be called out and shamed. Sorry (not sorry) if I bruised your feels.

        And in defense of “Peter” They didn’t call anyone an idiot. He opined the comments were idiotic. While it may be crass and not to your liking – he IS entitled to his opinion.

        • CAM January 24, 2024 (7:14 pm)

          Direct quote from Peter (I even cut and paste) “Why do you idiots […].” 

          • 937 January 24, 2024 (8:55 pm)

            I stand corrected.

            My point remains

  • anonyme January 24, 2024 (9:40 am)

    I went to Woo’s website in the hope of finding something substantive regarding her policy positions.  Nada.  Just the same ol’ activist drivel and buzzwords.  She did say she’s against sweeps and touted her family’s status as slumlords.  Nor do I think that the ‘new’ council is that much different than the old one.  I don’t know where people come up with these extremist opinions about police states (although I guess that could just mean a state that actually had police).  In short, I expect a lot more of, um…nothing.

Sorry, comment time is over.