Thanks to Steve Pumphrey for the photo, looking across Elliott Bay at the stadium’s sign of support for the University of Washington football game, playing Michigan on Monday night for the national championship. So far we’ve heard from one West Seattle establishment having a watch party on Monday – at Ounces (3809 Delridge Way SW), doors open at 4 pm (game time is 4:30 pm), and Isidro’s Mexican-food truck will be there. They promise the sound will be on. Any place else? Let us know and we can build a list – or text 206-293-6302 – thank you!
ADDED 11:26 AM: First addition just texted – Beveridge Place Pub (6413 California SW) says “we’ll be showing it on all TVs, including our 10′ projection screen in the front room, with sound!”
ADDED 3 PM: We’ve also heard from The Good Society (California and Lander), whose proprietor Nick says, “We will have the National Championship with sound on Monday!” And a texter says, “The Westy will definitely be featuring the Husky Championship game.” (7908 35th SW)
ADDED SUNDAY: Via text – “The Bridge will have the game on all 15 TV’s and both projectors with sound. Mot a bad seat in the house!” (California/Graham)
ADDED MONDAY: Via text – “UW watch party at Super Deli Mart on 6 TV’s with sound. 9% off all pints during game.” (35th/Barton) … Via email from Christo’s on Alki (2508 Alki SW) – “We will be showing the game on all 8 TV’s with sound throughout! Come early and secure your spot!” … Via text – Admiral Pub (2306 California SW) “is showing the Huskies game today on all TVs with sound including the big screen.”