FOLLOWUP: Medical Examiner identifies boy who died of gunshot wound at Southwest Pool

(WSB photo, Tuesday)

The King County Medical Examiner’s Office has just released its daily list of death investigations, which identifies the Chief Sealth International High School student who died of a gunshot wound at Southwest Pool/Teen Life Center on Tuesday. His name was Mobarak S. Adam, according to the KCMEO document, which says he was 15, not 14 as SFD had said on Tuesday. The KCMEO document does not include any insight into the investigation, though; “cause of death” is listed as “pending,” and “manner of death” (this is where the KCMEO usually says homicide, suicide, accidental, or natural) is also listed as “pending.” As we noted here earlier, SPD is not yet releasing any information beyond what Chief Adrian Diaz said at the scene Tuesday. Meantime, Seattle Public Schools superintendent Dr. Brent Jones sent this message to the community:

Like many of you, I am deeply saddened by the loss of this young member of our community.

Our central office and school teams are working tirelessly to offer support to the grieving family and the affected school communities. We are collaborating with city officials to coordinate and share resources.

Multiple agencies are joining forces to react and respond to this tragedy. Although there is no known threat to our schools due to this event, the Seattle Police Department will have additional patrols around the Chief Sealth and Denny campuses.

The Seattle School Board and I remain committed to creating welcoming and safe neighborhoods for our students and staff.

But to make a real difference, larger changes are needed.

Our young people deserve the opportunity to focus on growing and thriving without violence. The availability of firearms only adds to worries.

It’s time for us, as a community, to address this issue together. We need to challenge ourselves to work collectively.

Let’s start with each of us taking a more active role in creating safety in our communities. Be a vigilant neighbor, encourage open communication, or contribute to initiatives that make our shared spaces secure for everyone.

Please remember, you can use the SPS Safe Schools Hotline 206-252-0510 to report any threats to SPS schools. This phone number is managed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We want our students to be free to take on academic challenges in the classroom, rather than facing threats on our city streets. Together, let’s build a safer and more resilient community.

27 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Medical Examiner identifies boy who died of gunshot wound at Southwest Pool"

  • ACG January 25, 2024 (4:31 pm)

    May he rest in peace. My condolences to all who knew and loved him. 

    • Savanna January 25, 2024 (5:07 pm)

      I knew him

      • Neighbor January 25, 2024 (8:59 pm)

        I’m really sorry, Savannah. Wishing peace for you and your friends.

  • MickD January 25, 2024 (5:56 pm)

    May you rest in peace young Mobarak S. Adam.

  • Suzanne January 25, 2024 (6:16 pm)

    This is so incredibly senseless. Why in the world would a kid have a gun. It’s absolute insanity. Mobarak should be here with his whole future in front of him. I am so sorry for everyone touched by his loss. 

  • Zane January 25, 2024 (8:51 pm)

    I am so terribly sad to learn this.

    I coached Mo years ago, in junior football. I remember him as a wonderful kid and athlete. Always a kind heart and a beaming smile. Eager to learn and always willing to play. His family were always so kind and gracious.

    Mo was always quick with a smile and a laugh. He was such a great kid and I weep for his family. I know his loss is felt deeply.

  • Hmm January 25, 2024 (10:26 pm)

    A statement that contradicts itself. No threat to community yet the statement is summed up with youth being able to face academic challenges in the classroom rather than facing threats on our city streets. How long are we going to continue to sweep the obvious under the rug claiming there are no apparent threats to our community. If this was true in fact our teenagers would not feel the need to carry firearms to begin with. Not only is this alarming but it’s a matter that also needs acknowledgment so that we can start looking at how we can actually address the situation at hand. My kids would have never gotten away with possessing a firearm due to the fact that I went through their bedrooms, backpacks, purses etc. The only privacy my kids got when they were teenagers was in the bathroom and in their journals and diaries. Whatever happened to parents who washed folded and put their kids clothes away or go through their backpacks to ensure homework and assignments were being turned in not to mention the often half eaten snacks or what not were cleaned out. Is it not our duty as parents to make our kids business our business? 

    • Ly January 26, 2024 (1:42 am)

      You sound really judgy. My condolences to the family and friends of this child. I am sorry for your loss. 

      • bumblebee January 26, 2024 (7:14 am)

        Someone needs to speak the truth and be realistic! Have you not look around you? Most of the car jacking done by teens… Parents are failing to educate their kids with integrity and basic manners! I’m not saying this is the case since we don’t know the whole story yet! So sad he lost his life at such young age, RIP.

      • waikikigirl January 26, 2024 (8:40 am)

        No, HMM sounds like a good parent. Maybe we are “old fashioned” but  if “kids” didn’t have full reign to come and go as they please and parents were more concerned on what they are looking at and doing from what’s on the internet and checking their items as HMM stated then some of these things wouldn’t happen. And yes give them their privacy as HMM stated too.I’m so sad and sorry that this child was killed and my condolences go out to his family and friends, way too young to be gone.

    • Jeff January 26, 2024 (6:39 am)

      There is a natural tendency when we hear about a disaster, to immediately think of reasons why it couldn’t happen to us.   Sometimes it is true (“you’ll never catch me trying to climb Mt. Everest!” after a climbing accident), but mostly is is a comfortable lie we tell ourselves to give separation from what has happened.    The impulse to seek that comfort is understandable, but have a little compassion.    Never send to know for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.

    • Resident January 26, 2024 (7:17 am)

      “The only privacy my kids got when they were teenagers was in the bathroom and in their journals and diaries.“ WOW, your poor kids. Your comment is so unnecessary and unbelievably mean. We don’t know what exactly happened, so maybe you should save your pearl clutching and parent shaming for a more appropriate time. 

    • Me mama January 26, 2024 (7:33 am)

      Good lord “Hmmm”   Don’t blame the family! Parents cannot control all aspects of our children’s lives.  Especially in a country that glorifies guns. THAT is the problem here- guns are everywhere. 

    • Nora January 26, 2024 (8:10 am)

      It’s my opinion that my job as a parent is to teach my children to be self-sufficient and make good decisions. I shouldn’t need to do their laundry by the time they’re teenagers, but I should have raised them to feel comfortable talking to me about anything so I don’t have to snoop.

    • Jeff January 26, 2024 (8:14 am)

      Also there is no shortage of criminals and addicts out there that had parents like you, no matter what you believe.    So enjoy your illusion of moral high ground.

    • HS January 26, 2024 (8:50 am)

      Neither the time nor the place. I also send condolences to family and friends. I live in the neighborhood and am just so saddened this happened. All the kids that I’ve seen trudging back and forth to school seem like awesome kids.

      • Why Pee January 28, 2024 (5:49 pm)

        Exactly the time and place. This was a terrible tragedy but if we don’t push for changes now when will they ever happen? How many more until it becomes the time and place to have difficult conversations?

    • Alki resident January 26, 2024 (2:10 pm)

      I feel for your kids. I can’t imagine living under a microscope. It sounds like trust issues to me. My parents never did stuff like this and us kids folded our own laundry. You can have a tight leash on your kids but they’ll still do something behind your back. I’m so glad I was raised in the 70’s where we didn’t have social media and we had free reign. Nothing to be suspicious of in my house growing up to warrant any of this from a parent. 

  • Me mama January 26, 2024 (7:36 am)

    I hope the friends and family understood that the vast majority of our community grieves for and with you, and we wouldn’t blame you ever.  I hope that you can find peace in your lives without Mo here on earth.  may be rest in peace   

    • Highpoint mom January 26, 2024 (2:07 pm)

      Thank you for the beautiful message, it made me shed a tear thinking about his family, classmates, neighborhood friends that will grieve his loss. Heart-wrenching….

  • Wes January 26, 2024 (7:56 am)

    This is all very sad for all involved.  This was obviously a great kid, and this whole situation is tragic.There is some hard questions we need to ask here.  I’d like some clarification on some issues here as well:We’ve not found out whos gun this was.  This is important.We’ve not found out why these students were at SWCC at 1:45pm in the afternoon, when they should have been in school.  Why were they out and about?Why were they in the building in anycase?  Shouldn’t they have been escorted back to CSIHS…there is no swim program at this time of the day over there.

    • Teenagers January 26, 2024 (12:04 pm)

      Probably skipping school. I was in highschool not too long ago and I would skip often. There’s no way for the school to keep kids inside and lunch too. Lots of the kids skip classes after lunch. RIP to this young man. 

      • Admiral Mom January 26, 2024 (1:54 pm)

        Freshmen are not supposed to leave campus for lunch but the rest can. If he was a freshman maybe he snuck out and paid the ultimate price. So sad because nobody in a million years expects to lose their life across the street from school.

        • Teenager January 26, 2024 (6:12 pm)

          Yep that’s correct, they aren’t but who actually follows that rule… no one. And that could have happened to a 10-12th grader. It wasn’t just because he left for lunch outside of school. It could have happened before school, after school and it could happen to any grade.

  • Coach David January 26, 2024 (3:43 pm)

    So very sorry for Mo and his family. I wish I would have known he was facing trouble to see if I could have helped. Smiles, effort and kindness are what I remember. Coach David, West Seattle Wildcats

  • Teacher January 26, 2024 (3:48 pm)

    Mobarak was a student of mine when he went to Denny. I remember him as smart, funny, thoughtful and well liked. He was always respectful to me, and I truly enjoyed his presence in my classroom. My deepest condolences to his family. May he rest in peace. 🌺

  • LLM January 27, 2024 (9:13 pm)

    As a family member of his, it saddens to watch him go , he was such a brilliant intelligent person with a bright future ahead of him. However the stupid remarks from people who don’t even understand what happened or have a little sympathy as a human, you’re nasty and have no life.To the point where you are so despised that you must come on here and write about a baby who lost his life, it is human decency.Instead of pulling others down and speaking with your filthy tongue.Instead of criticizing the family or anyone else, think about how this could be avoided in the future for any other child.Just because your life is so bad does not give you the right to talk about any child like that.Just think about how you would feel if you were in our place. Just remember that what goes around comes around, and karma is real, so be mindful of what you say on the internet and how you communicate.It’s sickening to sit here and read such comments, yet calling oneself a parent is a disgrace.I feel bad for your kids.Whatsoever, my dear baby M , Allah SWT called you home a little earlier than us.inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji’un. You’ll forever be missed & in our hearts, May Allah SWT grant you the same level of Jannah as the prophets , May Allah SWT widen & lighten your grave.I love you.

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