TRAFFIC ALERT: Eastbound bridge reopens after temporary closure for barrier fix

3:01 PM: If you’re heading out from the Fauntleroy end of the West Seattle Bridge any time soon, you might encounter a short delay – police have just told dispatch that they’ll be helping SDOT close the eastbound bridge “for five or 10 minutes” while the jersey barriers are reset.

3:27 PM: Officers just verified to dispatch that this is over and the bridge has reopened.

2 Replies to "TRAFFIC ALERT: Eastbound bridge reopens after temporary closure for barrier fix"

  • Mike December 9, 2023 (3:17 pm)

    It gets hit every day, people go too fast and there’s a hump in the corner that throws cars around heading West.

    • Josh December 10, 2023 (5:13 pm)

      * every day ^it rains^ by speeding rear wheel drive vehicles. People who blame the city and road design for this need to explain how the city is supposed to overcome those totally mitigating circumstances. 

      I don’t speed and I never ever ever even come close to losing any control of my vehicle in the places where those who do speed lose control and crash on a rainy day in their poor traction vehicles.

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