DEVELOPMENT: New mixed-use building proposed for 4700 36th SW

(King County Assessor website photo)

That former medical building is at 4700 36th SW [map], a corner site in The Triangle, planned for replacement with a six-story mixed-use building. It’s been working its way through early stages of city review for a while but has now entered the design-review process, which means it’s time for “public outreach.” The city website summarizes the plan:

The proposed project is to construct a new 6-story building with 34 apartment units, 2,200 sf of retail space at ground level, and 7 parking stalls. The street-level floor will be the main access to commercial uses, and elevated entry from 36th Ave SW will have access to residential units through open-air walkways, providing daylight and equal access to fresh air for all residents alike.

The architect is Sazei Design Group, which also worked on the new-ish mixed-use building at Delridge/Henderson. The 4700 36th SW project is going through Administrative Design Review, which means public feedback but no public meetings – watch for official notices soon on how to provide that feedback.

22 Replies to "DEVELOPMENT: New mixed-use building proposed for 4700 36th SW"

  • DC December 19, 2023 (1:34 pm)

    Love this! Will be great to see more commercial space here and more lovely neighbors. It’s a perfect spot to live if you don’t own a car!

  • Alki resident December 19, 2023 (1:59 pm)

    Six stories will kill the beautiful view those neighbors have. Vote this out asap. Rip Dr. Carroll

    • PDiddy December 19, 2023 (2:25 pm)

      Thats probably the selling point for the overpriced apartments they will have. Green views of the golf course….

    • David December 19, 2023 (3:07 pm)

      Dr. Carroll was me and my older siblings pediatrician growing up in West Seattle as well.  It’s sad they are taring down his old medical building.  Many good memories there.   RIP Dr. Carroll

    • Foop December 19, 2023 (3:13 pm)

      No one is entitled to a view in a growing city. If you want to have a nice view, you can move out to the suburbs or near gig harbour. 

    • Also John December 19, 2023 (4:41 pm)

      Unfortunately a handful of homes will lose their view of downtown Seattle.   Definitely decreasing the value of their homes.   I hope the City determines such and reduces their property taxes.

      • K December 19, 2023 (8:19 pm)

        Taxes are assessed by the county, not the city.

    • Jeff December 19, 2023 (7:04 pm)

      Views are explicitly not protected, and the zoning permits this.  On what grounds should it be rejected?

      • Greg December 20, 2023 (5:20 pm)

        well on the grounds of “NIMBY” of course.

  • Derrick December 19, 2023 (3:03 pm)

    Kudos to wsb for always putting a map link on stories like this. I love being able to see where you are talking about. It’s little details like this that make this such an incredible resource for our community. Those efforts are noticed and appreciated. Thanks!

  • Tae December 19, 2023 (3:21 pm)

    Oh yay, 7 parking stalls for 34 apartment units AND retail space.

  • Alki Jack December 19, 2023 (3:36 pm)

    Wow, 34 apartments plus retail and 7 parking stalls? I thought for sure they would have at least 9 stalls. I mean thats if 75 percent of the apartment dwellers don’t own a car and all of the retail customers arrive on foot.

    • Raccoon December 20, 2023 (3:14 pm)

      The C, 21, 50, and local 773 are all within 2 blocks, not to mention Avalon link train station. Walking is very simple to the junction, biking to the other junctions or the beach. Additionally, there is tons of available street parking if they or a guest really needs it. Parking is very expensive and doing this decreasing the cost of rent as well as the prices the retail places need to charge.

      • CarDriver December 20, 2023 (4:33 pm)

        Raccoon. The REALITY is that most if not all residents WILL own a car. And, have to ask: In the real world how much less is rent compared to a building that had onsite parking for all the tenants. Would love to see some real-world numbers.

        • Foop December 21, 2023 (10:42 pm)

          Well I hope homeowners can start using their own driveways to help with the parking situation. Or do they just expect free parking for all of their cars?

  • Rhonda December 19, 2023 (9:34 pm)

    So, the homeowners in the area lose their decades-long views AND they’ll be besieged with the new apartment dwellers and business customers parking in front of their homes. I feel bad for them.

    • KM December 20, 2023 (4:30 pm)

      Homeowners who have to look at cars parked on a public street are the new underprivledged class. Do you have a link to donate?

    • shotinthefoot December 20, 2023 (4:46 pm)

      Wow, the elitism in this comment broke my brain. Rhonda, you’re actually saying that homeowners are better than apartment dwellers? I feel bad for YOUR neighbors. I can only imagine. 

  • Derek December 20, 2023 (6:26 am)

    I support this 100%. Need density. “Views” are we being serious here?

  • DC December 20, 2023 (10:47 am)

    To those complaining about the loss of view, it is worth noting that many times more houses will gain a view! More housing, more views; win-win! If the view is so important to the home owners, they are more than welcome to sell their house and rent one of the new apartments. 

  • April December 22, 2023 (10:11 am)

    If you want to keep your view, buy the air rights( above and in front of your place) when you buy your house and than others can’t build up and block your view! 

  • miws December 22, 2023 (12:32 pm)

    I don’t have time to study it more thoroughly, but how many are actually going to lose a view? That house way uphill to the south, on the east side of the street? The first couple of places behind the VFW Hall are multi-plexes according to King County Parcel Viewer. I’d bet that no more than one unit in each is owner-occupied.  —Mike,-122.3774496,3a,90y,166.05h,84.38t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1saww-HGXPhWsJJ2KPMuqyGg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu

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