WEST SEATTLE PARKS: Junction ‘landbanked’ site chat Tuesday

(WSB file photo)

Reminder – tomorrow (Tuesday, October 10th) Seattle Parks reps will be at the long-“landbanked” future park in The Junction. It’s been a long time since they developed designs for the two-thirds-of-an-acre site in the 4700 block of 40th SW, and they want to at the very least refresh everyone’s memory of what’s planned, before projected construction next year. You can talk with them about the park plan and your hopes for it at the site tomorrow, and/or answer this survey about potential added park features. They’re scheduled to be at the site 4-6 pm Tuesday.

15 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE PARKS: Junction 'landbanked' site chat Tuesday"

  • derek October 9, 2023 (1:24 pm)

    Housing or a park please

  • sgs October 9, 2023 (1:27 pm)

    I filled out the survey.  Two things worry me about this space’s future:  that it become a place for dogs to relieve themselves and people who leave garbage.    Really need dedicated places for that.  (I am a dog owner, but would avoid small space that people congregate).

    • Erik October 9, 2023 (9:49 pm)

      Agreed. Hopefully they choose the west Seattle stadium for the off leash dog park. That would solve the dog problem in that particular area pretty easily.

  • Also John October 9, 2023 (1:42 pm)

    I filled out the survey. It would be nice to have some green space.   I little park to sit on a bench, watch dogs play and soak up some sun.

  • MyThruppence October 9, 2023 (2:04 pm)

    Is it a good idea to determine the future of this space when the location of the Junction light rail station is still undetermined? It seems counterintuitive.

    • BJG October 9, 2023 (8:54 pm)

      Click on the blue “future park” plan referenced by the Blog. There appear to be planned climbing areas although I don’t know for what ages. There will be benches, a picnic area, artificial turf, a pet relief area, a boardwalk and plantings. I suppose there is still time for more input. You should ask. Here’s hoping it doesn’t lose its neighborhood purpose.

  • BJG October 9, 2023 (2:09 pm)

    There is no place around the Junction I’d feel safe to sit alone now. This is going to be quite secluded. Easy to hit and run for snatchers.

  • East Coast Cynic October 9, 2023 (3:01 pm)

    I’d like to see some space dedicated to recreational street hockey, since Seattle has finally discovered the NHL.

    • AMC October 9, 2023 (6:04 pm)


    • Frog October 10, 2023 (8:42 am)

      That sounds like a plan, since the city lacks the will to maintain order, health, and safety in any public space, but hockey players could defend their space.  Either hockey or pickle ball. Wink wink.

  • Jl October 9, 2023 (4:47 pm)

    Light rail may not be in West Seattles future with the daily life of workers being conducted remote since the pandemic.  Metro buses appear to not be running at capacity!  Also the UW did a study about air-born Fentanyl on light rail in the Seattle area and results were not good for enticing folks to get on board…

    • V October 10, 2023 (12:24 pm)

      Where did you hear that the buses aren’t running at capacity? Simply not the case! The buses are crowded and have started to increase since the pandemic was over. Often times it is standing room only so I wait for the next bus, but they also reduced some of the frequency which is the cause of the crowding. 

  • Jl October 9, 2023 (4:58 pm)

    Regarding the future of this space, perhaps a continuous track of sorts where a young child could ride a bike or toy accompanied by adullt and low growing flower beds or ornamental grasses so pervs and such can’t hide.  Children need places to recreate outdoors!  Only single boulder seats will work because benches seem to attract peeps who like to sleep during the day and then sit and yell at people the rest of the time.  This is the kind of behavior I have seen at Junction Plaza Park at 42nd & Alaska repeated over and over again.

  • Joe Z October 10, 2023 (10:31 am)

     Sound Transit’s technical documents suggest that this space will not be part of the station but this will be the first thing that people see when emerging from the east station entrance which will be on the SE corner of Alaska and 41st. 

  • April October 10, 2023 (11:41 am)

    Needs to a dog park!!! 

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