FOLLOWUP: Genesee Hill speed cushions installed, day before school starts

Thanks to Greg for the tip. The three sets of speed bumps announced earlier this year for SW Genesee, near Genesee Hill Elementary, were installed today, the day before the scheduled start of Seattle Public Schools‘ 2023-2024 classes. Other West Seattle school areas with new traffic-safety installations over the summer include Lafayette Elementary, Pathfinder K-8, and the Denny/Sealth campus.

14 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Genesee Hill speed cushions installed, day before school starts"

  • sgs September 5, 2023 (11:11 pm)

    Now if we can get people to actually stop at the stop sign at the bottom of Genesee (eastbound corner of 46th and Genesee).  I come north on 46th and almost get T-boned at that intersection very often when people don’t stop at the stop sign.  Please do.  Thx.  

    • Careful September 6, 2023 (6:28 am)

      Be careful there. The folks driving down Glenn don’t have a stop sign and they’re coming at you from a hard-to-see angle.

  • pelicans September 6, 2023 (5:32 am)

    Are these the speed “humps” we see everywhere now, or the larger speed “bumps?”

    • WSB September 6, 2023 (7:22 am)

      Speed cushions is the term for ones like these that have gaps.

  • pelicans September 6, 2023 (5:33 am)

    Either way, it’s a great idea.

  • Catrina60 September 6, 2023 (7:07 am)

    Maybe it will also cut down on the racers and speeders!!!

  • Gatewood September 6, 2023 (8:25 am)

    Interesting, we asked for speed bumps by Gatewood Elementary 10 years ago and the city gave us a huge list of reasons why they won’t install near a school 🤔. Now they are everywhere.  Who do we talk to at the city? Our streets are filled with speeders racing to get to the ferry, home, etc. its so dangerous. 

  • WSE Parent September 6, 2023 (9:12 am)

    Soon to be installed outside West Seattle Elementary as well, on 31st Ave between Myrtle & Holly. 

    • sam-c September 6, 2023 (10:02 am)

      Oh good- people drive that stretch like it’s a race track, which is horrible, considering the visibility is impeded by the curves & parked cars.  I’ve avoided that stretch for a couple years now, in all transportation modes, b/c of how unsafe it feels.

    • K September 6, 2023 (11:03 am)

      Thank goodness. That stretch is scary.

  • slomode September 6, 2023 (10:40 am)

    Starting in 2008 or 2009, several neighbors worked on a speed study of Genesee Hill between Glenn Way SW, 46th through 48th Ave SW. We asked to have a stop sign installed at the bottom of Glenn Way so that all traffic at that intersection had to stop. Attempting a stop sign on an arterial was basically a no-go for SDOT. They wouldn’t do it. We asked for traffic calming measures. Again, we got a hard no. Then, Genesee Hill opened up and the neighborhood exploded with cars during pick-up and drop-off times. Many parents disregarded any notion of civility driving through our neighborhood. I’m glad to see a step in the right direction to help slow things down. Unfortunately, parents with tunnel vision trying to get their kid to school lose sight of safety for everyone. Slow down. Take a couple extra minutes. Your attentiveness and concern for everyone will go a long way.

  • SCS September 7, 2023 (11:44 am)

    This is my kids school, can I say how relieved I am. They are already cutting down speeding. I can’t tell you how many people speed going 40 to 50mph. Plus it cuts down on the parents trying to do a u turn during drop off in the middle of the road. Fauntleroy would benefit from changing how they have drop off set up. Parents and children alike do not use crosswalks. It’s a hazard. I wouldn’t be apposed to some speed cushions installed before the crosswalks and have the ferry change It’s times so there is no ferry traffic during school drop offs and pick ups. How hard is it to tweak the schedule by 15mins so it creates a safer environment for all. 

  • Anne September 8, 2023 (8:24 pm)

    The speed cushions on Gen Hill are a joke. I walk the hill daily, nightly, and have seen hardly a car slow down. They are so short, so gently sloped, that cars hardly feel them. The 3 sets are also located so far apart that even if a car slows , there is plenty of space to speed back up before the next one, and those spaces contain crosswalks. I watched cars drive in the gaps and not slow at all because the side of the bumps are so gently sloped. Nothing slows a car like lots of potholes but they fixed all those in Gen Hill several years ago. The speed cushions work better on narrower streets,  but Gen Hill’s arterial-size width makes them almost moot. I was anticipating real speed bumps and am disappointed. The racing continues. 

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