BIZNOTE: New ownership for Fitness Together West Seattle

(WSB photo: FTWS founder Bonnie Katz Sailors and new owner Bryan Habas)

Another successful West Seattle Junction business has just changed ownership.

But that’s the only thing changing about Fitness Together West Seattle (4546 California SW; WSB sponsor), say founder Bonnie Katz Sailors and new owner Bryan Habas.

Bonnie founded the personal-training fitness studio 16 years ago. “It’s been amazing, crazy, wonderful,” she told us during a chat in the studio. She even met her husband Duncan Sailors through FT – after hiring him as her second employee. And Fitness Together West Seattle not only survived the pandemic, but thrived – Bonnie says the past two years have been her best two years, “so we’re ending on a high note.”

Fitness Together started offering online training during the height of the pandemic, but even once in-person training resumed, one other crisis proved something of a boon: The West Seattle Bridge closure increased interest in fitness options close to home. And this family-owned business was ready to respond. Now, Bonnie’s ready for her next chapter, and that’s where Bryan comes in.

He is a U.S. Air Force veteran, still active in the Air National Guard, as well as an experienced management consultant with 15 years in the corporate world. But about a year and a half ago, he started looking for his own business to run. He found this one specializing in “something I love – fitness. … I fell in love with the idea of helping people.” After meeting Bonnie, he was impressed by Fitness Together West Seattle’s “great trainers, and great community.” Those trainers are all staying, Bonnie adds. The studio overall will continue “as similar as possible” to the way it’s been operating, Bryan says – “what Bonnie has built is so special.”

What’s next for her? She plans to concentrate full time on her art, examples of which are hanging in the studio – painting and photography.

And Bryan is now the leader of Fitness Together’s one-on-one training team. They’re always accepting new clients, and the studio is open six days a week (weekday evenings too). The model works, Bonnie says, because “everyone needs a coach!”

1 Reply to "BIZNOTE: New ownership for Fitness Together West Seattle"

  • DrKate November 10, 2022 (6:49 am)

    Congratulations to both of you! It sounds like Fitness Together is going to be in good hands!

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