ROAD WORK: SDOT repaving 35th SW here and there

(Repaved section completed today, between Findlay and Juneau)

A full repaving of 35th Avenue SW has long been postponed – last major mention in our archives was five years and two SDOT directors ago, suggesting it wouldn’t happen any sooner than 2023. Not on the schedule through 2024 right now, but SDOT’s lately been repaving a block here and a block there. Most of it has been without wide advance announcement – aside from last weekend’s traffic alerts including the plan for repaving 35th between Holly and Morgan. After happening onto another stretch of work today between Juneau and Findlay, we asked SDOT for a list of what’s been done and what’s yet to come. Spokesperson Ethan Bergerson replied:

This is part of our Reconnect West Seattle work. We are working to repair rough spots in the pavement on roads like 35th Ave SW that saw a decrease in traffic when the West Seattle Bridge closed and will likely become more heavily used once the bridge reopens.

Over the last two weeks, we have paved several blocks on 35th Ave SW including:

SW Barton St to SW Trenton St (two blocks)
SW Kenyon St to SW Holden St
SW Myrtle St to SW Willow St
SW Holly St to SW Morgan St
SW Graham St to SW Raymond St
SW Juneau St to SW Findlay St (we are finishing work on this today).

In the near future, we also plan to pave one more block of 35th Ave SW from SW Edmunds St to SW Alaska St.

3 Replies to "ROAD WORK: SDOT repaving 35th SW here and there"

  • JW July 29, 2022 (11:57 pm)

    How about repaving California Ave. from Admiral  Way all the way north down to California Way SW? Enough of all the patches that don’t last!

    • The King July 30, 2022 (7:09 am)

      I’ve learned to lower my standards. I know it’s going to feel like I’m driving down a flight of stairs. If after my less than six mile daily commute nothing has broken or fallen off of my truck then it was a good day. 

  • Anders July 30, 2022 (12:03 pm)

     While driving past  one of these  repaving sites on 35th SW around noon the other day; I thought, “these workers deserve a dang medal for being out here in the  middle of a heatwave  to do these repairs”. Cannot imagine the discomfort and intensity of  working with HOT black asphalt (on an already HOT street)  in the heat of the (sweltering) day.  So big THANK YOU (!)  anonymous SDOT workers – for getting this done for us despite the extreme conditions.  Appreciate you. 

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