West Seattle Grand Parade 2022, report #1: See the entire parade!

11:09 AM: Just under way from California/Lander, with Grand Marshal Dan Austin leading the way, the first West Seattle Grand Parade since 2019 has begun. The 70+ entries – floats, marching bands, drill teams, community groups, schools, businesses, more – will proceed down California SW to SW Edmunds, at the south end of The Junction, over the next hour or so. Parade-team members are all along the route to make sure things go well; California will remain closed along the route until the parade has passed (here’s the bus-reroute info).

(Added: Photo courtesy West Seattle Kiwanis)

Announcers are at California/Charlestown (with the Kiwanis Club of West Seattle) and California/Alaska (with Brian and Christa Callanan).

(Added: WSB photo)

We’ll have some in-progress updates on our Twitter feed at @westseattleblog, plus we will update here when the parade’s over; then we’ll have separate reports here on WSB later with lots of photos and video from the parade.

11:58 AM: The parade is over at the start line. (Above – that’s coordinator Michelle Edwards, and when she’s left the starting line, you KNOW the last entry has hit the road.) We’ll update again when it has concluded at The Junction.

12:42 PM: Parade’s entirely over, and California has reopened.

2:25 PM: Before we assemble other highlight reports, here’s our unedited video of the entire parade as it reached The Junction, just under an hour long:

14 Replies to "West Seattle Grand Parade 2022, report #1: See the entire parade!"

  • Carole July 23, 2022 (12:16 pm)

    No hydroplane!  😒

    • WSB July 23, 2022 (1:54 pm)

      Unfortunately the parade committee had to deal with last-minute changes and dropouts, some for health reasons. (The pandemic isn’t over yet.)

  • Jay July 23, 2022 (12:18 pm)

    Was it just me or was the bomb sound super loud? Feel bad for the dogs, ptsd, war veterans. It is real gunpowder you can see them load it!

    • WSB July 23, 2022 (1:57 pm)

      The Pirates’ cannon IS always loud – and if you were watching near the taller buildings, like in The Junction, even louder.

    • Erithan July 23, 2022 (2:31 pm)

      I’m super sensitive to noise, so it’s always been stressful for me, even as a kid. Depending on where you live it can be more impactful like WSB said (I’ve noticed it’s worse since we’ve gotten more tall buildings and density, echos more.), heck my windows shook today. One thing that can be a bit helpful is now a days they do sound a siren before the booms so you can be a little prepped for when it happens. It’s not a perfect solution, but it can help to be aware of it.

    • John July 23, 2022 (2:49 pm)

      I’m so sick of this PTSD veterans fireworks stuff, simple research will show you that it is NOT true and I’ve yet to meet a veteran who has these issues(Dessert Storm Vet)

  • sally July 23, 2022 (2:32 pm)

    Are there judging stations along the parade route?  (if so, are they always the same location?)  I’d like to sit closer to one in the future, to be able to see the drill teams, bands and groups, etc. perform (vs. marching on by).  Thanks!

    • Glenn July 23, 2022 (3:50 pm)

      Bottom of the barrel last place was the Tiffany Smiley truck.

    • WS Neighbor July 23, 2022 (4:48 pm)

      One judging station was at Charlestown and California Ave SW where WS Kiwanis was announcing the parade participants. Great views from that location.  One of the “judges” was walking around at that location    

    • Michelle July 23, 2022 (5:23 pm)

      Hi Sally, judges are staged throughout the parade route, but not in specific locations that are known to the participants. Most common locations for groups to do full performances are near announcing stands (Charleston Street or Alaska Street) or near the beginning of the parade route. The hope is that groups can perform more frequently throughout the entire route, but these locations especially stick out to participants for performances.

      • sally July 24, 2022 (12:24 pm)

        Thanks so much for the info; it will help me plan ahead for next year!  (and not sit a block or so past the announcer stand at Charleston)The parade was really fun, and I wouldn’t change a thing! I imagine if participants perform more frequently, that would be way too exhausting for them and the parade would have to slow down & take longer.So glad the parade is back in business, thank you!

  • Frank July 23, 2022 (4:39 pm)

    Great seeing Dow Constantine and especially Pramila Jayapal (after that incident last week) out there, but I feel like it would have nice to see Lisa Herbold out there supporting our community…

    • WS neighbor July 23, 2022 (5:05 pm)

      Rarely see her at west Seattle events. Pretty unfortunate 

    • onion July 23, 2022 (9:39 pm)

      Frank: Lisa who?

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