From White Center Now: Interim King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall nominated for permanent job

(Photo by Patrick Sand for WSB/WCN)

This morning at Steve Cox Memorial Park in White Center, Interim King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall was introduced by County Executive Dow Constantine as his choice for the permanent job. If confirmed by the King County Council, she will be the county’s next appointed sheriff, succeeding its last elected sheriff, Mitzi Johanknecht, a West Seattleite whose term ended last year. Voters approved the switch from electing to appointing a sheriff. We were at the announcement for partner site White Center Now; you can see the coverage, with video, by going here.

6 Replies to "From <i>White Center Now</i>: Interim King County Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall nominated for permanent job"

  • Millie May 3, 2022 (12:54 pm)

    Congratulations to Sheriff Cole-Tindall!    Just a clarification, the Sheriff was an appointed position under the under the original County Charter.  Former Sheriff David Reichert was appointed and later elected by the King County citizens after a Charter amendment approved by voters.

    • WSB May 3, 2022 (1:07 pm)

      Sorry, first meant “first under new rules” but I’ll find some other way to word it.

  • Millie May 3, 2022 (4:39 pm)

    No worries!  I should apologize for my not proofreading my comment.  Thank you for everything you do!!!!!

  • Anne May 3, 2022 (4:39 pm)

    What happens during the weeks she’s going through the recertification process? Typical Dow decision- pick the least qualified. Disgusted that voters allowed this position to be chosen by a politician. 

  • E May 3, 2022 (5:03 pm)

    Congratulations to the new Sheriff! 

  • Common Sense May 3, 2022 (5:11 pm)

    The Sheriff position was intended to be a checks and balance system between politicians and the law.  I am concerned anytime this system is compromised.  It’s foolish for a dog to bite the hand that feeds it; thus lessening  the effectiveness of a very powerful law enforcement agency and placed it at the whim of the political winds.  Those winds currently blow in a direction many feel is a favorable, but winds shift. 

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