The information is from police reports we requested today, both from armed robberies on Saturday:

WESTWOOD VILLAGE ROBBERY: Police were called to the center at 11:22 am Saturday after people called 911 about one man pointing a gun at another. The victim told officers he went there for a transaction he had arranged via OfferUp, to sell “a pair of Jordan 1 low-top tennis shoes, size 10.5, for $300,” according to the police report. Two people showed up and looked at the shoes, still in the victim’s car, which the report notes also held “a pair of Jordan 1 high-top sneakers which (the victim) was not selling but valued at approximately $1,500.” The report continues, “The subjects displayed a roll of US dollar bills with a $100 displayed on the outside.” The victim said the money looked fake. Then one person shoved and hit him; the victim fought back, and a bystander jumped in to help. But while they were subduing that person, the other one “collected the pair of high-top sneakers and one of the low-top shoes and ran out of sight” – returning with a “black semi-automatic handgun with an extended magazine visible,” telling the victim he’d kill him if he didn’t let go of the other person. So he did, and that person “fled to the front passenger seat of a waiting 2006-2012 light blue Nissan Altima.” One person got some photos of the armed robber and the vehicle; those have been provided to police.

GAS-STATION ROBBERY: This holdup happened at 9:45 pm Saturday night at the gas station at 5445 Delridge Way SW. Police were told a man came into the store, walked to the counter, pointed “a black .45 handgun” at the clerk, and said, “Give me the money.” The clerk complied and was told to drop to the ground behind the counter; the robber then fled on foot, southbound on Delridge.

13 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Weekend robberies"

  • Joseph Cabaccang December 20, 2021 (4:30 pm)

    hello my name is Joseph Cabaccang, and the same thing happened to me except they didn’t have a gun. they robbed and jumped me, leaving me with a broken jaw, damaged car, and also hurt my girlfriend, at hilltop elementary school which isn’t far from this place. I was wondering if there was a chance I could get the photos that were taken, they could be the same guys. 

    • WSB December 20, 2021 (8:11 pm)

      Sorry to hear it. There’s no Hilltop school in Seattle – were you attacked near the one in Burien? That aside, the photos were provided to police, not made public, so they’re not available unless the bystander in the report who took them happens to be reading this.

  • ltfd December 20, 2021 (5:31 pm)

    Jail violent felons now.    

    • Rhonda December 20, 2021 (6:27 pm)


    • Debra Kay December 21, 2021 (1:00 pm)

      And keep them there. None of this PR stuff.

  • Blue's Clues December 20, 2021 (6:50 pm)

    So all those Security Trailers and Cameras are for naught?

  • Balderdash December 20, 2021 (8:08 pm)

    I’m guessing these are repeat offenders and not their first rodeo

  • Debra Kay December 21, 2021 (1:18 pm)

    Now I understand why I haven’t been getting responses to my recent ads. I don’t want anyone to come to our home because I don’t want to be robbed so I always say to meet at Westwood Village. I thought a transaction in an open place with cameras would make all of us feel safer. After reading the article I think potential buyers are thinking they don’t want to put themselves in a position  to possibly be robbed. Some humans suck :(

    • Westwood December 21, 2021 (2:57 pm)

      Have them meet you outside the Southwest Precinct. 

  • WTF December 21, 2021 (8:30 pm)

    Selling Air Jordon’s for $300 in a parking lot. What could go wrong?

  • jonathan vogel December 22, 2021 (11:07 am)

    hah… meet outside the police precinct… brilliant  :)

  • TM7302 December 22, 2021 (4:14 pm)

    Any description on the gas station robber?

  • Amalie December 28, 2021 (3:15 am)

    Police Stations have something called ‘Safe Trade Spots’ that anyone can use while meeting with someone to buy or sell. Here’s what their website says about it:“SafeTradeSpots are designated locations at law enforcement offices where buyers and sellers can meet in public under surveillance to complete in-person transactions. There’s no charge for the service.”

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