ELECTION 2021: Who’s really running? Filing Week starts tomorrow

Though we’ve been hearing from, and about, candidates for months, nobody’s officially on the ballot until they formally file to run – and the official Filing Week starts tomorrow. Here’s the reminder from King County Elections:

checkbox.jpgCandidates looking to run for office this year will have the opportunity to put their name on the ballot during the upcoming filing week of May 17 through May 21, 2021.

King County Elections is strongly encouraging all candidates to file online. Online filing opens at 9 am on May 17 and is open 24 hours a day until 4 pm on May 21.

In-person assistance will be available for those who need it at King County Elections Headquarters in Renton. Those who do come in person will be required to wear a face covering that covers their nose and mouth. One can be provided, if needed. Candidates in need of assistance can also call 206-296-1565.

As the COVID-19 situation continues in our community, we will not be accommodating large groups or photo opportunities inside the facility.

Candidates can also file by mail. Mailed filings must be received no later than 4:30 pm on May 21, regardless of postmark.

The final deadline to withdraw one’s name from the ballot is 4:30 pm on Monday, May 24.

An updated list of candidate filings will be posted by noon and by 6 p.m. each day until the filing week ends. The list will be finalized following the withdrawal deadline.

There are many offices subject to election this year, including county and city level offices, school boards, and special purpose districts. You can find the complete list of offices subject to election in King County on our website here.

Candidates can sign up for notifications by email or text to get alerts about deadlines and other candidate-related information. Candidates looking for more information, please visit our website or call 206-296-1565.

In advance of filing week, candidates and ballot-measure advocates/opponents have registered campaigns with entities such as the city Ethics and Election Commissionsee those lists here – and state Public Disclosure Commissionsee those lists here.

3 Replies to "ELECTION 2021: Who's <i>really</i> running? Filing Week starts tomorrow"

  • anonyme May 17, 2021 (10:16 am)

    At first, I thought Bruce Harrell might be a reasonable alternative to the extremists and activists that had announced up until that point, but he has since degenerated into parroting the same gibberish as the rest.  We need a moderate who will consider the rights of all citizens and reward accountability, rather than enable criminality.  At this point, I don’t see a single candidate I would even consider voting for.

  • Millie May 17, 2021 (2:11 pm)

     Anonyme, could not agree with you more in respect to mayoral candidates and city council candidates.  I am, however, looking forward to hearing/reading candidate Langlie’s platform.

  • anonyme May 18, 2021 (8:18 am)

    Millie, I’m so grateful to you for mentioning Langlie.  I hadn’t heard of him, but doing a bit of research he does sound like a very reasonable (and refreshing) alternative to what we’ve seen so far.

Sorry, comment time is over.