HAPPENING TODAY/TONIGHT: West Seattle Bridge task force, District 1 Community Network, more

(Today’s sunrise, photographed by Jerry Simmons)

Here are highlights for today/tonight:

WEST SEATTLE BRIDGE COMMUNITY TASK FORCE: Though the mayor’s decided to repair the bridge, this advisory group’s work isn’t over yet. Among today’s topics, low-bridge restrictions and enforcements. The meeting is online at noon; you can watch here.

MENTAL HEALTH 101: 6:30 pm online, first of two sessions presented, free, by Fauntleroy UCC. Details and participation information are here.

DISTRICT 1 COMMUNITY NETWORK: This community coalition for West Seattle and South Park meets online at 7 pm. Topics include ongoing issues such as the pandemic response and the bridge closure. We’re still awaiting a final agenda and viewing information – we’ll add both here after we get them, so check back if you’re interested in attending. (Added: Sorry, we never did receive accurate connection info.)

EMERGENCY SHELTER: If you know, or are, someone who needs a warm place to sleep, the West Seattle Veteran Services Center has opened its emergency shelter at 3618 SW Alaska.

HOLIDAY LIGHTS, SHOPPING, MORE: See our ongoing, frequently updated West Seattle Holiday Guide!

2 Replies to "HAPPENING TODAY/TONIGHT: West Seattle Bridge task force, District 1 Community Network, more"

  • Smittytheclown December 2, 2020 (11:56 am)

    I would love this group to propose we look at the lower bridge timing.  If they can get traffic volumes in the area it might justify a “data driven” change to the timing from 9p-5a to 8-6 or maybe even 7-7.  Just need to see the data that may rule it out, or justify the  original timing

  • Mj December 2, 2020 (12:46 pm)

    Expediting the repair needs to be pressed hard.  Getting the bridge back open by Fall 2021 needs to be the schedule!  

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