CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Caffe Ladro window-smashing suspect charged, 2 months after similar rampage at QFC

(WSB photo, October 31)

Last Saturday, we reported on an incident in which a man was taken into custody after an incident that left broken glass at Caffe Ladro in south Morgan Junction. Today, we have learned the suspect is the same man charged with an even-more extensive window-smashing rampage at the Junction QFC in September. 33-year-old Aikeem L. Roberts. He is charged with malicious mischief, assault, and harassment. The court documents have more details of what happened at the coffee shop last Saturday:

As with the QFC incident, this one began, police say, with Roberts bringing bags into the business. In this case, he had “large shopping bags” that were blocking customers’ access to the sanitation station. The manager asked him to move them; after repeated requests were not honored, she asked him to leave. He refused, so she said she would call police. He then started yelling and threatened to kill her. One customer who tried to intervene told police Roberts punched him in the face; another one said Roberts hit him in the ribs with a chair. The court documents say Roberts then began breaking things in the shop and went outside and – after one of the customers he had hit locked the door behind him – threw rocks and a signboard at the shop’s windows and doors, as well as at a parked car belonging to an artist who was there to put up a display. Police arrived shortly thereafter and took Roberts into custody.

He has been in jail since then, with bail set at $75,000. After the September QFC incident, Roberts spent 11 days in jail, before getting out after bond was posted on $5,000 bail. He is awaiting trial on the charges filed against himH in that case – malicious mischief and assault. He is due to be arraigned on the new charges November 18th. His record includes at least seven past felony convictions, including the case we mentioned in prior coverage, in which he stole five cars in one night on the Eastside in 2014.

27 Replies to "CRIME WATCH FOLLOWUP: Caffe Ladro window-smashing suspect charged, 2 months after similar rampage at QFC"

  • C November 5, 2020 (5:05 pm)

    Is there a pic available if this person? 

  • Me November 5, 2020 (5:08 pm)

    He needs to be on western state and thats it…why let him out???!!!

    • NS November 5, 2020 (6:59 pm)

      Western State is discharging not admitting due to lack of funding and citations from the state and feds. 

      • Canton November 5, 2020 (8:39 pm)

        Inslee was asleep when the Fed money for it was lost.

  • newnative November 5, 2020 (5:45 pm)

    that’s a low bail for someone who must know someone that can help him get out. I think the assaults should warrant a higher bail at least. 

    • CAM November 5, 2020 (6:46 pm)

      Someone getting bailed out does not imply they had a personal contact who paid the bail. There are charitable organizations that pay the bail/bond on defendants being held in custody due to monetary bail. 

    • WSMom November 5, 2020 (8:41 pm)

      Sending good wishes to the victims.Seems like it doesn’t take much to set this person off, even while under court supervision & pending trial.Public safety should be the primary issue at this point, so he does not have the ability to threaten, let alone assault, anyone other victims, or to damage any other stores. 

  • Seattle is BROKEN! November 5, 2020 (6:01 pm)

    This is ridiculous!!!! Nothing happens to these people. They just keep getting out and causing more destruction and injury to innocent people and their property!!!!!!!!!! Law abiding citizens have no rights! Law breakers have all of the rights and power in this city!

    • Sarah November 6, 2020 (11:36 am)

      It would be great if we invested in the services and resources that help chronically homeless people with significant mental health issues rather than ping ponging them between jail and the street. 

      • 1994 November 6, 2020 (9:03 pm)

        Seattle spends $140 million a year on homeless services, most of them get free medical care or have Medicaid or Medicare…..they get food benefits… is all there for them to access – but only if they choose to do so. If they refuse services, that is their right. 

  • Mj November 5, 2020 (6:07 pm)

    If the perp can afford bail they can pay restitution for damages they cause?

  • jonn November 5, 2020 (6:26 pm)

    It seems he felt he was being treated unfair by the shop and/or other customers. Im not saying he was, but that was the trigger to light his very very very short fuse (imagine if he had a weapon).  Be careful out there W Seattle, many fuses are getting shorter and shorter by the day.

    • JP November 11, 2020 (11:54 am)

        Well put John…WS has become a scary, unfamiliar place. So sad…

  • L. Pickens III November 5, 2020 (7:24 pm)

    I do not feel safe in West Seattle anymore. 

  • Duffy November 5, 2020 (8:37 pm)

    Wow, this was the same dude?

  • Herbold please respond November 5, 2020 (8:50 pm)

    Referencing Herbold’s proposed legislation for this kind of situation:

    • WSB November 5, 2020 (9:02 pm)

      No, that does NOT involve “this kind of situation.” In both cases, Aikeem Roberts is charged with felonies, not misdemeanors.

  • Beepee November 5, 2020 (9:12 pm)

    After reading through comments ever since the original qfc window smashing incident the, the only thing that seems consistent it that everyone wants to battle there opinion on how to deal with such issues. Why is it that even though no one here was involved, and just happen to be part of the community, and are upset, we all are, think they have the final say or best way to treat said issues ?

    • Resident November 6, 2020 (12:13 am)

      Because we are residents of this little city and we don’t want to be in the wrong place at the wrong time with one of these people loses control and decides to beat someone up or maybe worse. They need to be taken care of whether it’s put into a Mental institution or locked up in jail. They can’t be roaming around our community causing harm.

    • anonyme November 6, 2020 (5:50 am)

      Beepee, you said it yourself: because we are part of the community affected by this behavior.  Because we have a right to our opinions, just as you do, and a responsibility to look for and demand answers.

  • 1994 November 5, 2020 (10:46 pm)

    Clearly Mr Roberts is lacking self control and the ability to regulate himself.  If he can’t control himself, what are we as a community to do about his abusive behaviors? Continue to take his abuse and destruction? Is that his freedom to continue repeatedly being abusive and destructive to others? 

  • flimflam November 6, 2020 (7:14 am)

    when the story came out it did certainly sound a lot like the situation at the QFC. what is the public supposed to do around folks like him? he has pretty serious issues it seems, can’t control himself – i don’t see how being on the streets does anything for him OR society in general.

  • Mel November 6, 2020 (8:10 am)

    It blows my mind. People are up in arms over this kind of thing (him having so many felony convictions and yet still being on the streets) and yet they continue to vote the same way. Do you think our current government (whether city council, prosecutors, Bob Ferguson who just won re-election) are tough on crime? Clearly not. People complain about it but continue to elect the same officials. Things will get worse before they get better. Everyone needs to wake up.

  • M November 6, 2020 (9:57 am)

    Is it the same guys who threw rocks at Whiskey West maybe a year ago? 

    • WSB November 6, 2020 (12:03 pm)

      Our archives indicate that suspect was 18 years old.

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