WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Westwood gun incident; sign vandalized again

Two more West Seattle Crime Watch reports today:

WESTWOOD VILLAGE GUN INCIDENT: We didn’t hear about this at the time, but have received two notes since, including Karen‘s firsthand report:

Two young men were fighting outside of the Hair Masters salon today at approx 3:45 pm. The fight quickly escalated as one man pulled out a gun and was waving it around. Employees and customers went inside the bathroom and stayed there until the police arrived (five of us were in the bathroom). Not sure if both men were arrested, or just the one with the gun. Police arrived VERY quickly and de-escalated the situation within a minute or so. Not sure what started the fight.

HPIC SIGN TARGETED AGAIN: Volunteer Rhonda reports the Black Lives Matter sign on the Highland Park Improvement Club fence has been vandalized again: “This is the third time we have had this happen. … Luckily we have another sign to replace it with. … This seems like these vandalism attacks are escalating. I plan to report it to the police.” This time somebody painted a phrase in yellow paint that could be interpreted as a death threat.

6 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE CRIME WATCH: Westwood gun incident; sign vandalized again"

  • Jim P. September 19, 2020 (8:06 pm)

    For a while, Westwood had on site security. Has that gone away?

    I seem to recall also that SPD was going to have a much stronger presence.

    Not that the security guard did much good.

    I often saw him in a sheltered spot texting and would come by after shopping at QFC an hour later and he’d still be valiantly defending that out of the way spot from all evil while texting away with his back turned to the world.

    I did once actually see a pair patrolling and dealing with some homeless/drunk guy camping in another sheltered spot. Once.

    Place is going to turn into a real dump and take the neighborhood with it if management doesn’t get it together.

    • WSB September 19, 2020 (8:29 pm)

      During several recent drive-throughs in the late afternoon, the Mobile Precinct was there. The security-camera trailers are there too.

  • JJ September 19, 2020 (10:50 pm)

    Along with the guy that drives the golf court. 

  • Anna September 20, 2020 (12:05 am)

    I was there! Probably before the gun waving though. Lots of spectators. My daughter and I left quickly. 

  • Cogburn September 20, 2020 (7:09 am)

    Very nice to read a story where the police de-escalated a situation instead of shooting a person. They de-escalate or make non-deadly arrests the vast majority of the time. Let’s give the police credit where it is due. 

  • Joseph September 20, 2020 (5:39 pm)

    Was this incident “two young men fighting” or was it an attack/self-defense situation? Also, keep in mind that Westwood Village’s contracted security cannot get involved in physical confrontations and can only observe, report, and call SPD.

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