‘STAY HEALTHY STREETS’: Pedestrian Advisory Board discussion Wednesday

With a lot of discussion sparked by the city’s most-recent “Stay Healthy Streets” announcements, you might be interested in this (online) meeting Wednesday: The program is scheduled to be discussed when the Seattle Pedestrian Advisory Board meets tomorrow (Wednesday, May 13th). This isn’t a vote or review, but rather, it’s on the agenda of the SPAB as “Stay Healthy Streets and Social Distancing Q&A,” with guests from SDOT. The meeting also includes two public-comment periods. You can “attend” the meeting either online or by calling in (206-686-8357, conference ID 150 994 262). The meeting is set to start at 6 pm Wednesday, with public comment at 6:15 and 7:40, bracketing the SHS/Social Distancing discussion.

17 Replies to "'STAY HEALTHY STREETS': Pedestrian Advisory Board discussion Wednesday"

  • Hank L May 12, 2020 (4:19 pm)

    There are places in highland park where the street closures are such that if you don’t know about them, you find yourself at an intersection where all 3 of the streets (left, right and straight) have been closed.  With no other option other than to back up the length of the block or use somebody’s driveway to turn around (while other traffic stacks up waiting to do the same thing), using the closed street is the safer option and I’ve been watching people do exactly that all morning..SDOT needs to reconsider their layouts.  I won’t get into their asinine “let’s make this permanent” idea here, that’s a whole other level of w.t.f.-ery…

    • Daphneadora May 12, 2020 (4:35 pm)

      I experienced that a few days ago! It’s such poor planning and so frustrating! It’s not safe to take a left from 9th onto Holden these days, so I’ve been going west through our neighborhood more often and the closure of Trenton is a PITA.  It’s even closed in front of the elementary school, how is that going to work?!? 

    • frustrated May 12, 2020 (4:40 pm)

      My exact same experience this morning, Hank.  Driving east on Trenton, you get to the calming circle at 17th SW and it’s “Street Closed” in all directions.  So, basically I’ve just driven into a dead end with no advanced notice.  Sorry residents…I’m driving down your “Safe Street”.

    • Peter May 12, 2020 (5:42 pm)

      Where, specifically, is that? Yes, I’m going to fact checking you. 

      • AMD May 12, 2020 (7:14 pm)

        Both are on Trenton.  Trenton is a SHS from 10th to 17th.  17th is also a SHS so if you head east on Trenton from 18th, you get to the end of the block and all three directions are SHS.  11th between Trenton and Cloverdale is also a SHS, so if you’re heading north on 11th, when you get to Trenton you’re blocked all three ways again.  You can see the intersections on the map: https://sdotblog.seattle.gov/wp-content/uploads/sites/10/2020/04/SHS-Delridge.png  I support the idea of closing residential streets to through traffic, but it is weird that they couldn’t see where they were inadvertently creating dead ends (which are less safe when traffic has to turn around).  Looking forward to future iterations when adjustments are made.

      • Canton May 12, 2020 (7:59 pm)

        Are you involved in this project at a city level? Why would  you need to fact check?

      • Juju May 12, 2020 (9:45 pm)


        Just a suggestion, you might want to “fact check” your grammar before posting.

        I love you neighborhood scolds.

        Always dependable for a laugh.

        Thanks so much,


      • West Seattle Hipster May 13, 2020 (4:51 pm)

        Those darn pesky facts always get in the way of a good argument.    I would be interested in hearing an opinion from a lawyer on the legality of these street closings.  I remember all the fuss when the Mariners tried to get a portion of Occidental Ave vacated.

  • Kyle May 12, 2020 (7:48 pm)

    Temporary, I get it. But permanent street changes without gathering input from the community? Where else in SDOT’s procedures does this happen? I get a mailer to participate in design reviews, etc. When street changes typically happen near me. Changing the street configuration without hearing all the community viewpoints is a recipe for disaster. I’m actually for creating more local access streets, but these permanent changes were made by a few, without the benefit of a full review by the public. Instead, we got notified after decisions were made. Thank you WSB for the notice and opportunity to let our elected leaders know how we feel. Probably wouldn’t have known this was happening otherwise. 

  • AM_WS May 12, 2020 (9:00 pm)

    The agenda for the meeting is at this link http://www.seattle.gov/seattle-pedestrian-advisory-board/meetings/latest-agendaIt’s a two hour meeting and they have allotted five minutes for public comment.  Hopefully that’s a typo that will be corrected! 

    • Peter S. May 13, 2020 (10:41 am)

      >> Hopefully that’s a typo that will be corrected! <<Now that’s funny.  Thanks for the laugh :)

  • southend home owner May 13, 2020 (8:02 am)

    The city policies are way off and if this isn’t enough they sit in their little meetings thinking they are the brightest pups in the pack and say do this and you will be safe.  The best part is more people are ignoring the signs and driving safely around them to be safe.   I think these signs should be moved to the politicians areas and block all but one way so they can experience this for themselves.    

  • AN May 13, 2020 (8:03 am)

    Closing streets that run East and West is a horrible idea since the detour for the bridge puts people traveling that direction. North to South on residential streets is the better option if they feel they must close streets.  

    • S - in West Seattle May 13, 2020 (1:00 pm)

      No closing North/South is the bad idea as most people in West Seattle have to go that direction to get from the Northern point to where they can leave West Seattle. In fact closing any streets at this time is just a bad idea. 

  • Cherylann May 13, 2020 (6:04 pm)

    As a person who lives and works in West Seattle, DOT changes in recent years have made it harder to get around. If those have increased pedestrian safety, then maybe they’re worth it.  The West Seattle bridge shutdown has added to our burden. So I would rather not close down additional streets in this way.  Seems a waste of funds, an intrusion into how the people who live on those streets get around, and little help to pedestrians.  Please reverse course. 

  • Angry local May 14, 2020 (12:06 pm)

    The stay healthy streets policy is a disaster.  Everyone is walking in the street and throw their arms up in rage at those of us who live here trying to navigate to our homes.  Furthermore, the street has been a greenway forever, with very little automobile traffic other than locals, and limited use by bikes and walkers other than those of us who live here.  Now it’s a destination and I have hundreds of people traipsing through my front yard.   If they take away the only street parking for my partner’s car, it will be one straw too many.  And we should definitely be able to have a period of public comment.  

  • Will May 14, 2020 (12:55 pm)

    Closing Beach Drive has been an excellent idea and I want to thank everyone and anyone involved. Closing the street to traffic and parking is LOOOOOONG overdue. Will parking and the amount of traffic, the street (and sidewalk) are extremely dangerous for pedestrians and bikers who are forced into the street to avoid each other and into the jaws of racing vehicles and extremely loud noise. Great job!!

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