day : 04/04/2020 10 results

THE WEST SEATTLE TURKEY: Saturday sightings

Thanks to everyone who sent photos of their encounters with The West Seattle Turkey, who spent the day in North Admiral:

Diane and Lorne Dyke sent that video of The Turkey at the door. Katie, meantime, found TWST on her deck:

Katie said, “He’s been here for hours and even our dog has gotten used to his presence.” Below, Grace Lee photographed a young passerby doing a doubletake:

Diana Niederberger sent the next photo, saying, “Thought readers would like to see the Turkey strolling on Sunset Ave in North Admiral.”

Jacob Bridge saw The Turkey at Sunset/Hill:

The Turkey apparently started the day near Stephen‘s house on 45th SW, around 6:30 am:

“My wife heard our dogs barking this morning and was thrilled to see The Turkey back in Admiral.”

TWST has now crossed the peninsula north to south twice – first turning up a year ago in Arbor Heights, eventually spending months in Admiral, then recently heading south for a stay in Gatewood, and now all the way to North Admiral. Where it’s originally from, no one seems to know.

CORONAVIRUS: Saturday 4/4 roundup

A quiet day, as we start the sixth week since King County’s first confirmed case of COVID-19:

NEWEST KING COUNTY NUMBERS: From the daily Seattle-King County Public Health news release:

2,898 confirmed positive cases (up 111 from yesterday)

200 confirmed deaths (up 14 from yesterday)

One week ago, the numbers were 2,077 cases and 136 deaths. No additional deaths in local zip codes, per the COVID-19 data dashboard.

TOP HAT QUARANTINE/ISOLATION SITE NOT OPEN YET: The county’s daily update says 38 people are in quarantine/isolation facilities, but none at the Top Hat (east of White Center) site, because it’s not open yet – maybe next week.

STATEWIDE NUMBERS: 7,591 cases, 310 deaths; other state stats are here.

WORLDWIDE NUMBERS: See them – nation by nation – here.

SATURDAY SHOPPING: For the past three Saturdays, we’ve started the day’s coverage with a grocery-store update. Commenters have shared their stories every week – here are the ones that came in today.

DRIVER LICENSE EXPIRING? If that’s happening soon, don’t worry – you get a 90-day extension.

STUDENTS’ FUNDRAISER: South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) United Students Association president Krisna Mandujano emailed to let us know about this student-created crowdfunding campaign:

As students, we are supporting undocumented folks amidst this crisis. This is not a non-profit effort, it’s simply a couple of students coming together to help undocumented folks.

We’re currently at 34,000 dollars but our goal is 50,000. We have 369 requests from folks in need of assistance. Unfortunately, our funding is limited and we need more momentum to increase donations.

Families are in urgent need. Pregnant women, elderly folks, single mothers/fathers will benefit from our organizing efforts.

If you can help, here’s how.

GRATITUDE: We don’t get to spend much time on social media, but during a quick check, we just spotted this (thanks for the tag):

GOT SOMETHING TO REPORT? or 206-293-6302, text/voice – thank you!

District 1 Community Network’s first virtual meeting

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

With at least another month of staying home ahead, community groups are getting into the virtual groove.

The latest: The District 1 Community Network, which gathered 20 people by videoconferencing and phone this past Wednesday night.

They represented organizations including the Admiral Neighborhood Association, Fauntleroy Community Association, West Seattle Be Prepared, Morgan Community Association, Alki Community Council, West Seattle Transportation Coalition, Delridge Neighborhoods Development Association, Westwood-Roxhill-Arbor Heights Community Coalition, West Seattle Junction Association, HPAC, South Park Neighborhood Association, West Seattle Bike Connections, West Seattle Blockwatch Captains Network, and more.

Spotlight guest: City Councilmember Lisa Herbold.

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HELPING: Café Mia’s free sack lunches; Evergreen Tang Soo Do’s fitness challenge

April 4, 2020 5:48 pm
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 |   Coronavirus | How to help | West Seattle news

Two more independent small West Seattle businesses are helping the community in unique ways:

CAFE MIA: This breakfast/lunch bistro in The Junction has stayed open for takeout but it also providing free food to those in need – this Monday, free sack lunches will be available, no questions asked. See this Instagram post for the number to text if you want one (or more) – or if you are interested in donating to help Café Mia cover the costs.

EVERGREEN TANG SOO DO ACADEMY: This martial-arts studio is about to launch an 8-week fitness challenge, with 3 online workouts a week, that’s also a fundraiser for other local independent businesses. It starts on Monday but there’s still time to sign up. Here’s the flyer (PDF) for “Kicking Coronavirus Out of Seattle”; here’s the signup page.


Thanks to everyone who’s been sending photos – we have more in queue but first this afternoon, seal sightings. Longtime contributor David Hutchinson, who also is a longtime volunteer with Seal Sitters Marine Mammal Stranding Network, took both these photos of recent harbor-seal sightings on the West Seattle shore.

Both were taken from a distance – don’t ever try to get up close for a photo.

FOUND: Hat belonging to a sailor or veteran

April 4, 2020 1:47 pm
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 |   West Seattle news | West Seattle parks

The photo and report are from Todd:

Saw this hat in Schmitz Park along the trail below the Admiral street.

It deserves to be with its Owner.

Thank you!

P.S. For general lost/found reports, see the section in our Community Forums.

TRAFFIC ALERT: Crash at Delridge/Orchard

12:10 PM: A three-car crash is reported at Delridge/Orchard, with SPD and SFD responding. Avoid the area.

12:25 PM: We are arriving in the area. Delridge is blocked south of the intersection.

12:33 PM: Photo added. At least one person is being transported by by AMR ambulance.

UPDATE: SFD rescue response @ Lincoln Park

11:56 AM: Seattle Fire responders are headed by land and sea to the north shore of Lincoln Park, where multiple 911 callers have reported that a kayaker has fallen in the water.

11:59 AM: Per radio exchange, the kayaker has made it to shore, and some units are being dismissed from the call.

12:03 PM: The call is closed. One illuminating aspect: This is the type of emergency call that brings units from across the bay. General traffic on the low bridge (where the live camera shows a steady stream of cars continuing) could have impeded the response.

35TH/AVALON/ALASKA: Overnight paving, permanent striping ahead

It’s April, and that means the final stretch of paving, plus permanent striping, for the 35th/Avalon/Alaska repaving-and-more project. SDOT sent this update late Friday:

Week of April 6, final grinding and paving night work on SW Avalon Way from Fauntleroy Way SW to 35th Ave SW. Work will begin at 7PM, driveways will be temporarily impacted overnight.

As early as the week of April 6, installing final striping on 35th Ave SW, SW Alaska St, and SW Avalon Way. No parking signs will be placed along the corridor 3 days in advance to assist with striping.

Please note, we are not able to complete paving or striping during wet weather.

Construction update

SW Snoqualmie St is now open. We anticipate completing grinding and final paving of SW Avalon Way between 35th Ave SW and Fauntleroy Way SW next week. When we grind and pave, SW Avalon Way from 35th Ave SW to Fauntleroy Way SW will be closed to traffic from 7 PM to 7 AM. Work is weather dependent and subject to change.

During nighttime grinding and paving next week, starting April 6, please expect:

Overnight grinding on Monday night, April 6 beginning at 7 PM:

We will grind the road down to prepare the road for an even repaving. Driveways will be temporarily impacted as equipment moves along the pavement

Overnight paving on Wednesday, April 8 or Friday, April 10 beginning at 7 PM:

Paving will take place after grinding and at night. We will send updates to confirm when this work is taking place.

Nighttime work hours from 7 PM – 7 AM. Crews have a temporary noise variance to do this work.

Grinding and paving work to cause vibrations and the smell of tar.

Grinding and paving to take approximately one overnight shift each to complete.

Driveway access on SW Avalon Way between 35th Ave SW and Fauntleroy Way SW to be closed for 2 nights, while we grind and repave the road. We will let property owners know which night to expect this work, when confirmed, and emergency access will always be maintained.

Fresh pavement is hot, oily, and extremely sticky. Please keep off new pavement if you are walking, especially with dogs, as the oil and pavement can harm their feet and be difficult to remove from fur.

We will open driveways as they are safe for people walking and driving

As a reminder, for the safety of our crews and your fellow residents, please follow posted detour routes and do not disturb traffic control. We anticipate laying down final striping in April, weather depending.

Also this next week:

35th Ave SW and SW Alaska St: Next week we will be wrapping up work along sidewalk and will be working on ADA curb ramps at the east side of 35th Ave SW at SW Alaska St.

When the work began a year ago, it was projected to last 14 months (as reported here in April 2019).

GROCERY SHOPPING: What’s changed at West Seattle supermarkets this week

With (at least) one month ahead in “stay-home” mode, your routines might be settling in by now – weekly grocery shopping (or less often), for example. This is the third Saturday morning we’ve begun by noting that we are continuing to update our roundup of West Seattle standalone stores’ hours (etc) – see it here. Since last Saturday, more stores have continued to install Plexiglas barriers between checkers and customers (anywhere you do NOT see them? let us know!) Biggest change otherwise: Trader Joe’s has finally added an early hour (8-9 am daily) for shoppers 60+ or who have disabilities, after experimenting with a separate line to get in. Meantime, wherever you go, you might find paper products are back in stock … that’s what scattered comments indicate. (We found them in our most-recent expedition too.) So if you’re shopping, good luck, and let us know how it goes.