CORONAVIRUS: Second COVID-19 case reported at Bridge Park

Multiple Bridge Park families have told us tonight that the senior-living complex’s owners, Holiday Retirement, have notified them of a second COVID-19 case there. Here’s the letter they received:

(The second page is here.) This would be the third publicly disclosed case in West Seattle, after the first one at Bridge Park (last Thursday) and one at South Seattle College announced a week ago. No further details on any of the patients or how they’re doing.

11 Replies to "CORONAVIRUS: Second COVID-19 case reported at Bridge Park"

  • TJ March 16, 2020 (9:28 pm)

    Well it would be great to let the community know how these people are actually doing, instead of letting the unknown add to the hysteria that has developed. While Im not worried about this at all and think its the biggest overreaction in the history of our country, I do get others are, so how about releasing info on these people (without using their names then) and ideally hopefully more stories on how people are pulling thru fine. I read earlier that the 3 NBA players that tested positive are doing good, which is great news to offset all we hear, which is only new cases and deaths. 

    • Greg March 17, 2020 (12:36 am)

      The media is not your killer.

    • USAT-10 March 17, 2020 (12:49 am)

       One of my best friends lives in Holland and she has a 6 year old granddaughter and brother-in-law infected.  I spent days wondering how the virus spread differently here than it does in Europe, then I realized they are ~10 days ahead of us in the spread of it.  All of this is coming for us whether you think it’s a thing or not.  Using the 3 NBA players as examples of COVID-19 is like using Magic Johnson as an example of HIV/AIDS.

    • Tell'emSteveDave March 17, 2020 (7:55 am)

      Medical personnel are not allowed to share patient info with the public without the patient’s permission.

  • ktrapp March 16, 2020 (11:59 pm)

    An overreaction?  Have you seen the news out of Italy?  They’re quite literally overwhelmed there.  They have so many cases of this requiring hospitalization, they’re having to triage the patients and deciding to let people who would otherwise survive, die due to lack of medical attention.  We don’t NEED the stories of people recovering just fine and going back to their business.  Because the last thing we NEED are a bunch of people who aren’t taking this seriously, mindlessly getting infected and then passing it on to people who DON’T have an easy time of this, and who DO need hospitalization.  So when you get into a car accident, but have to be turned away, because all the local ICU’s are already filled with patients, you can remind us all just how big of an “overreaction” this all was.

    • Anne March 17, 2020 (7:44 am)

      Thank you-was looking for the right words to respond to those who think this is an overreaction-you nailed it!

    • miws March 17, 2020 (8:39 am)

      Well put, KTrapp…  —Mike

  • oakley34 March 17, 2020 (8:54 am)

    That these young athletes in the prime of their lives exhibit no symptoms should frighten you instead of calm.  If they weren’t rich they wouldn’t have gotten tested and they may well have gone on to unknowingly infect many, many others, who in turn could bring the virus to weaker folks who could experience a serious  health emergency.  Too many folks do this and we have no more hospital beds and people die.  Wake up.

  • MC March 17, 2020 (9:31 pm)

    The residents at Bridge Park are not NBA stars, they are the most vulnerable population that our community needs to protect. These folks might not stand a chance if the virus takes over. Even with safety measures in place since last week, it may be too late. There was another confirmed case today, bringing the total to 3 positive.

    • WSB March 17, 2020 (9:51 pm)

      We don’t want to violate privacy but has there been any info about how the other two, particularly the 1st, are doing?

  • Jennie March 19, 2020 (11:27 am)

    It’s going to be nice for the next few days (don’t see rain forecast until Monday). Maybe anyone looking for a fun project to do with kids could go by and write nice messages on the sidewalks using sidewalk chalk? Even just HELLO! with lots of hearts and smiley faces. I live nearby and walked over there to take a look – there are nice big broad sidewalks all around the building. Anyone can do this at any time, requires no human contact, and I’m sure would brighten their day to look out the window and see some love!

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