READER REPORT: West Seattle Eagle Scout candidate’s big camp-improvement project

That’s Ryan Shelver, seated proudly on a brand-new bench that’s part of a big project he just finished leading. The photos and report are from Steve Shelver:

Ryan Shelver, an Eagle Scout candidate from West Seattle’s Troop 282, spent Saturday and Sunday, 11/23 – 24, leading 20 volunteers in building a new set of stairs and creekside sitting area inside the grounds of Camp Schoenwald in Burien.

In two days, over 163 hours of labor were provided to create an amazing new bench and sitting area and Ryan is thankful for all those who participated in making this idea a reality over the last several months.

Prior to the weekend installation of the area, Ryan researched construction methods, raised funds for building and recruited members of his troop to assist him with this service project, which is also a component for attaining the Eagle Scout rank.

The attached pictures show a before (above) and after (below), which included hauling over 1.5 tons of crushed gravel about 1/8 of a mile and approximately 100 feet down into the depths of the Camp Schoenwald ravine.

In total, Ryan spent nearly 7 months in planning and revising his project and the results shown here make our community proud. Well done, Ryan.

Ryan is a senior at Seattle Lutheran High School, has participated in scouting for the last 11 years with Pack and Troop 282, and intends to pursue computer science and business after high school.

8 Replies to "READER REPORT: West Seattle Eagle Scout candidate's big camp-improvement project"

  • Jeannie November 25, 2019 (8:34 pm)

    Looks great! Thanks, Ryan and the rest of the volunteers. 

  • West Seattle Lurker November 25, 2019 (8:47 pm)

    This is a fantastic addition to the park. Thank you for all your hard work. Great job. 

  • Mj November 25, 2019 (10:18 pm)

    Thank you

  • Kc November 25, 2019 (10:27 pm)

    Congratulations Ryan, soon you will join an elite group . This group includes folks like President Gerald Ford, Dan Evans, Brock Adamsi am an Eagle Scout myself and recently hired a young man whom applied for position offered By the company I work for. While it was not the only reason I hired him but being an Eagle Scout stood out. Ryan you are a marked young man for life wear the badge proudly! 

  • David P November 26, 2019 (4:49 am)

    Excellent work Ryan!  

  • JonnyQuest November 26, 2019 (8:04 am)

     Impressive effort, Ryan.  Well done!  And thanks for the report, Steve.  Brings back some good memories.   

  • Vanessa November 26, 2019 (3:47 pm)

    Fantastic! Thank you so much! 

  • Mark E. November 27, 2019 (7:43 am)

    Thanks for contributing, Ryan.

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