Community Care camps: Welcome, new West Seattle Blog sponsor!

May 14, 2019 2:29 pm
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Today we’re welcoming a new WSB sponsor, Community Care, with a spotlight on the camps it’s offering. Here’s what Community Care would like you to know:

Community Care is a children’s mental health agency that has provided care for youth and families in the Seattle area since 1997. We provide youth and family psychotherapy, behavior-plan writing, one-to-one behavior specialists, and three seasonal special-needs camps.

Our therapeutic recreational camps are unique because they are designed for children with behavioral issues, mental-health diagnoses, developmental challenges, or for those in special education. Our camps feature fun, physical, and therapeutic activities. Staffed by our skilled and trained behavior specialists, the camps are open for children ages 5-18 or up to 21 for those still enrolled in school and living in King County.

Families continue to send their children to our camps because of the respite it provides families and the growth they see in their children. Community Care camps introduces students to a curriculum designed to increase emotional understanding and awareness, develop healthy coping skills, and embed them into a community of peers and supportive adults.

Also, Community Care is currently looking for a local, private swimming pool to utilize during the summer months, Mondays through Thursdays. The owner of the pool would be added to Community Care‘s liability insurance, and campers will be highly supervised by their skilled and trained behavior specialists. Life jackets would also be worn at all times.

For more information or to register for camp, please contact Community Care‘s program director Andrew Page at or call 206-937-4217.

We thank Community Care for sponsoring independent, community-collaborative neighborhood news via WSB; find our current sponsor team listed in directory format here, and find info on joining the team by going here.

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