FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox trial pushed back another month

By the time the new tentative trial date for Ryan Cox arrives, nearly 16 months will have passed since he was arrested following the August 2017 stabbing of a man in Gatewood. The latest hearing in his case resulted in a new trial date in early December, with both sides saying they still had to work to do to be ready; the prosecution, for example, told the judge it has two more witness statements to get and expects to present at least 20 witnesses at trial. In July, Cox was found competent to stand trial. He remains in jail in lieu of $150,000 bail and is due back in court November 16th for an omnibus (trial-readiness) hearing.

4 Replies to "FOLLOWUP: Ryan Cox trial pushed back another month"

  • Richard Ehrsam October 23, 2018 (9:43 pm)

    Justice is swift in King County.

    • CAM October 24, 2018 (2:17 am)

      Ah yes, I yearn for the day that we can just eliminate all this ridiculous time wasted on establishing someone’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt in a fair and even handed manner. Why do we even bother with trials anyway? Just the fact that they were arrested for something is all the proof of guilt I need.

      On a non-facetious note, it is not at all uncommon in ANY jurisdiction for serious criminal charges to take years to prosecute. Yes, it can be frustrating but the system has checks and balances built in for very good reasons. And even with all those checks in place, we still try and convict innocent people far too frequently.

  • West Seattle since 1979 October 24, 2018 (9:46 am)

    At least he’s locked up and not out committing more crimes.

  • T Moss November 12, 2018 (3:12 pm)

    i was wondering what happened. Thanks for the update.

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