Just in from Puget Sound Clean Air Agency: The burn ban’s been lifted. From the announcement:

The Puget Sound (area) has returned to mostly GOOD and MODERATE air quality due to shifting winds bringing cleaner air at the surface (breathing level). We expect this weather pattern, and GOOD and MODERATE air quality, to continue through the weekend and into next week…

10 Replies to "WEST SEATTLE WEATHER: Burn ban lifted"

  • flimflam August 5, 2017 (2:20 pm)

    i’m glad the air is a bit cleaner but what is the rush to lift the burn ban? just yesterday it was still plenty smoky – why not give our lungs a little more of a break?

  • anonyme August 5, 2017 (3:56 pm)

    ff, I totally agree.  I don’t care what they say, anyone with eyes and lungs can still see and breathe the smoke.  Jeez, give us a break.  Now every yahoo who had to suffer through not being able to burn for a few days will be out stoking up fires.  It’s crazy.

    • flimflam August 5, 2017 (4:15 pm)

       yeah. the Olympics are nearly invisible from golden gardens in ballard today…very odd decision in my opinion.


      of course, we could all simply use common sense and not light any bonfires or cook with charcoal! 

  • waikikigirl August 5, 2017 (4:32 pm)

    I agree totally with FlimFlam and Anonyme… what’s the rush in burning any sort of fire, there’s still way too much smoke in the air and everything is so dry why take any chances of starting another fire!

  • TJ August 5, 2017 (7:42 pm)

    Charcoal grills and backyard fires are a drop in the bucket. People have the choice if they don’t want to burn anything. 

  • annika August 5, 2017 (8:37 pm)

    What’s the rush?  I agree with all commenters so far, and so does Cliff Mass:  http://cliffmass.blogspot.com/2017/08/improved-air-quality-at-low-levels-over.html

  • newnative August 6, 2017 (8:42 am)

    I noticed the air looks smoky again this morning. My phone says the weather is “smoke”. Weather.com says the wind is likely to push more smoke in today and those of us “sensitive” types will be affected. 

    • WSB August 6, 2017 (9:46 am)

      The long form of the burn ban did warn that “spikes” are possible here and there.

  • anonyme August 6, 2017 (9:15 am)

    “Sensitive”, as in anything that breathes.  I can normally see both Mt. Rainier and the Cascades on all but the foggiest, stormiest days.  Both are completely obscured, with obvious smoke hanging in the air.

  • Trickycoolj August 6, 2017 (12:22 pm)

    There was also a massive apartment fire in Northgate that added to the layer of smoke on the north side of the city yesterday afternoon. Just as soon as it felt like you might be able to go outside for longer that walking from the car to the house Northgate got choked out again.   

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