(Direct link to draft Westwood-Highland Park Urban Village rezoning map)
While the Westwood-Highland Park Urban Village was the first of West Seattle’s four urban villages to get a city-coordinated Community Design Workshop about its HALA Mandatory Housing Affordability rezoning proposals, that November 9th event was so soon after those proposals were released that it was little-publicized and lightly attended. But community volunteers have continued to review the WW-HP proposals (see the official “draft rezoning map” above) and are inviting you to a meeting one week from tonight to collaborate on a community response while the comment period remains open. Here are the details, from Kim Barnes:
The Westwood-Highland Park Urban Village community volunteers will hold a followup short presentation and discussion centered around the city workshop held on November 9th, and community led workshop held on November 30th, 2016.
All members of the public interested in collaborating a full response to the MHA legislation and upcoming EIS (Environmental Impact Statement) that will provide the rezoning proposal of Westwood Highland Park are invited to attend.
Please note that this is a community led meeting and city employees will not be in attendance.
Please join us Wednesday, March 1st to get in the loop and collaborate. Topics covered in this tight
90 minute meeting will include:o A very brief overview of the MHA Principles. Brief overview of the proposed up-zoning for the Westwood Highland Park Residential Urban Village.
o Where is the City information? Where to find the resources to learn more.
o Overview of the Revised Timeline for public input on the draft EIS.
o Review and discuss the Community Feedback gathered on November 9..What’s missing and why.
o Discuss what other neighborhoods across the city are doing—how they are formulating their own community response.
o Agree to a next-steps plan to collaborate knowledge and resources to develop a full response to the EIS in the coming months.
o Formulate a request to the City to present the draft EIS for our urban village as soon as it’s published.
o If time allows: Review the Urban Village up-zone map and 3D model presented in late November at HPIC.
What this meeting is not:
o A city-sponsored meeting with experts in the areas of MHA legislation, zoning, etc.
o A forum for comments or complaints regarding MHA and HALA to be conveyed by the volunteers to the city.
Date/Time: March 1, from 7 pm-8:30 pm, doors open 6:45 pm
Please rsvp for an anticipated head count to: kim.barnes.la@gmail.com
Location: Highland Park Improvement Club, 1116 SW Holden Street
The city’s official notes from the November 9th meeting, by the way, were finally posted online about a week ago, and you can find them linked from this page (where the Junction and Admiral notes will apparently eventually appear, too).