(September 10th photo contributed by Mark)
Remember that crash two weeks ago? It’s just one of several in recent months that have damaged jersey barriers on the West Seattle Bridge. Now, SDOT has announced an overnight closure, eight days away, for replacements:
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) advises travelers that maintenance crews need to replace damaged jersey barriers in the median of the West Seattle Bridge, requiring a full closure of the bridge on Saturday, October 1, during the overnight and morning hours. Damage to these barriers has been caused by several recent vehicle collisions that have struck the median. An SDOT inspection of all of the jersey barriers on the West Seattle Bridge identified 18 that are in need of replacement.
From 11:59 p.m. on Friday night, September 30 to 9 a.m. on Saturday morning, October 1, travelers can expect the following:
· The West Seattle Bridge (WSB) will be closed to through traffic in both directions between 35th Ave SW and the Harbor Avenue/Avalon Way exit.
· Crews will begin closing lanes at 11:30 p.m. Friday with full closure by midnight.
· A detour will be in place for eastbound and westbound travelers on the WSB.
· The detour for eastbound traffic is via SW Avalon Way, SW Spokane St and back onto the WSB.
· The detour for westbound traffic is via the Harbor Avenue/Avalon Way exit to SW Avalon Way to Fauntleroy Way SW.
· Crews will remove and replace 18 damaged jersey barriers.
· Crews will check and adjust any existing barriers that may have moved, but do not need immediate replacement.
· The West Seattle Bridge will be reopened by 9 a.m. on Saturday morning, October 1.
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