TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: First Monday in November

(Six WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
7:17 AM: There’s a crash response at Fauntleroy/Avalon – not sure yet how it’s affecting traffic there (if at all); the initial SFD response was big but closed fast. We’re en route to look.

7:35 AM: Whatever it was, it’s gone – our crew’s not seeing anything except the usual heavy morning traffic.

8:25 AM: Thanks for the tips on a jack-knifed Metro bus that’s causing trouble in Fauntleroy’s Endolyne area, right by the mini-business district there:

(Thanks to James Bratsanos for that photo.)

19 Replies to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: First Monday in November"

  • Meg November 2, 2015 (8:23 am)

    Is the lower bridge open or is there another reason nothing moving?

  • WSB November 2, 2015 (8:25 am)

    Yes, the bridge is open – two of the cameras atop this story show that (I found a second one this morning and so added the second angle, we’ll use that camera as long as it remains pointed that way).

  • Meg November 2, 2015 (8:29 am)

    Thanks. Its hard to see some of the pictures on my phone.

  • lala2mom November 2, 2015 (8:40 am)

    Google maps says incident on bridge and shows long commute; any news?

    • WSB November 2, 2015 (8:50 am)

      I don’t know where Google Maps gets its info but we monitor:
      -scanner (SPD/SFD)
      -online SFD log
      -SDOT (including Travelers Map )
      -WSDOT (for I-5, etc.)
      -citywide media traffic reporters
      -text/phone/e-mail/Twitter tips
      And there’s nothing about an incident on the high bridge (low bridge was open a while). Certainly looks jammed but … this time of day it almost always does. Showers have moved through the area, too.

  • beef November 2, 2015 (8:54 am)

    google maps gets a majority of their alerts through waze. they have an app for your phone to report traffic conditions

    • WSB November 2, 2015 (9:02 am)

      Thank you, we’ve heard of Waze, I know it has a lot of fans, but we continue to keep traffic updates here on weekday mornings and when major incidents occur the rest of the time, because often there’s more to say about it than just “incident” (and often much to discuss later!). Anyway, whether via Waze or something else, Google Maps is not currently showing anything in this area, either. – TR

  • ACG November 2, 2015 (9:33 am)

    Why oh why do the articulated buses think they can make that turn in Fauntleroy/Endolyne? Not the first time that has happened. Got stuck in that mess while trying to get the kids to school this morning. Please Metro, put a bulletin out to your drivers to handle that intersection differently.

  • John November 2, 2015 (9:55 am)

    The Fauntleroy/Endolyne intersection shown is a very dangerous intersection. I’ve even sent a letter to the City asking for a look at how to improve traffic flow.

    Here’s the problem….. A majority of the vehicles coming down the hill believe they have the right of way and go straight over the centerline divider. Those heading up hill after stopping at the stop sign have the right of way. The downhill vehicles must yield. Those heading downhill must cross the centerline, thus do not have the right of way over those going uphill.
    I’ve been honked at and given the finger whenever one of these vehicles believe I’m at fault from slowing them down as they cross the centerline into my lane.

    • WSB November 2, 2015 (10:00 am)

      John, have you talked with the Fauntleroy Community Association? I believe issues with that intersection have been on their radar for a while and they have been working with SDOT. Can’t quite recall the latest update, though. has contact info. – TR

  • desertdweller November 2, 2015 (10:06 am)

    I’m not sure you’re correct in your assumption that those heading uphill at the stop sign have the right-of-way at that intersection.

    Every other person has a stop sign *but* the downhill folk, which would suggest that everyone stops and the downhill folk have the right-of-way.

    Can you point me to some information explaining why the uphill traffic has the right-of-way?

  • bellw November 2, 2015 (10:10 am)

    Agree with desertdweller. I take this street every day — those heading downhill don’t stop, whereas those going uphill do, and must yield to those heading downhill.

  • bellw November 2, 2015 (10:14 am)

    Look at the map.'s+Center/@47.5204613,-122.389592,18z/data=!4m2!3m1!1s0x5490414fa2c0f3f3:0x7f8586f57b60d5e2

    Heading south-west on Brace Point Dr, those on Brace Point Dr do not stop. They don’t cross a middle line. They pretty clearly have the right of way vs those heading east, merging onto Brace Point from Wildwood.

  • bellw November 2, 2015 (10:32 am)

    UPDATE: I did just look at street view, and indeed there is a median line downhill drivers have to cross while staying on Brace Point Dr–which is very odd, given that they’re not turning or otherwise changing streets.

    This is a very confusing intersection. Making it a four-way stop, or otherwise indicating that downhill drivers don’t stop is definitely warranted.

  • KBear November 2, 2015 (1:54 pm)

    Perhaps even a sign alerting drivers that oncoming traffic does not stop would help.

  • zark00 November 2, 2015 (4:31 pm)

    NOBODY should be using Waze – it’s a horribly dangerous app, it shouldn’t have even been allowed on the store.
    It’s wildly inaccurate so there’ sno real point in using it anyway – a large part of the reason Apple, and other companies, passed on buying Waze.
    It’s VERY distracting – the app literally awards you points for texting and driving (typing things into Waze in a report – not texting your friend).

    Really nobody who is responsible and/or cares if they kill someone with an automobile should be using Waze.

  • dsa November 2, 2015 (10:14 pm)

    The painted white stop bars are small, short and ineffectively placed.

  • John November 3, 2015 (11:49 am)

    I see I received some responses. I’m correct. Those coming downhill don’t have a stop sign, because the lane lines direct them onto SW Wildwood Place…not over the centerline to continue straight. They are crossing a centerline. They have to treat that as if they’re making a 90 degree turn…they must stop and proceed straight when the lane is free.

  • ACG November 4, 2015 (11:00 am)

    The discussions between John and all perfectly illustrate what a mess that intersection is. Nobody knows what to do there. And everybody thinks they have the right of way, regardless of where they are coming from. Better signage clearly describing who has right of way (posted at each of the intersecting streets) or just making that intersection a 4 way stop would make things a lot smoother. (And having metro avoid turning at that tight intersection with the articulated buses).

Sorry, comment time is over.