West Seattle Crime Watch update: Police search at Lincoln Park after woman reports man grabbed her

(UPDATED WEDNESDAY MORNING with police report details)

8:15 PM: If you’re noticing Seattle Police heading toward/into Lincoln Park, here’s what’s happening, according to what we’ve heard via scanner so far: Someone called 911 to report a man tried to grab her in the park. The description made public so far is a “Hispanic male, about 18 … white T-shirt, blue gym shorts.” (added) Also: “Thin, about 5’6″, no facial hair.” If you saw anything or have any information, call 911.

8:59 PM: A parkgoer says in comments that the victim told her it happened “on the trail going up from the beach near the pool.”

ADDED 9:34 AM WEDNESDAY: Just obtained from SPD, the narrative from the report, with the victim’s name redacted by SPD (replaced by us with “she” or “her” or “the victim”):

At 2017 hours I responded to a report of an assault with a sexual motive at … Lincoln Park. (The victim) had called 911 to report that an unknown male had grabbed her “butt” while she was walking through the park.

I made contact with (her) on the western side of the park which runs along the Puget Sound. The park has two levels. The lower western side of the park runs along the Puget Sound; the higher eastern side of the park is accessible through several sets of trails and staircases along the interior of the park.

(She) said that she comes to the park every other day to exercise. Tonight,(she) entered the park near the southernmost parking lot. She began running and walking along the trails on the higher, eastern side of the park. (She) said that she had been alternating between running and walking along the trail near the ridge that separates the lower half of the park from the upper.

While (she) was walking along the trail an unknown male approached her from behind and grabbed her “butt” with his right hand. (She) said that she had never seen the male before today. She described the male as approximately 18 years old, Hispanic or possibly Pacific Islander. She said that he was wearing a white t-shirt and dark gym shorts. (She) said the suspect was thin, around 5’6″ in height. He did not have any facial hair that she could recall.

After the suspect grabbed her butt, (she) recoiled away from him. (She) said the suspect then apologized, saying something like, “Sorry, I’ve only got a month to live, I just had to do that”. (She) felt that the suspect did not understand what he did was wrong. She said that the suspect did not leave the area when she asked him what he was doing. After (she) told the suspect that she was going to call the police, he reiterated his apology.

(She) then tried to get a passerby to lend her a cell phone. She stopped a couple who was walking through the area and asked to borrow their phone to call 911. The couple refused and told (her) that she should just leave the area, and that she should not travel alone. (She) said that during this time the suspect left the area but she did not see which direction he went. (She) then walked down the hill into the lower section of the park. She was able to find someone who let her use her cell phone to call 911.

(She) was not certain but said that she might have seen the suspect in the park before he assaulted her. (The victim) believed that he might have been sitting on a bench along the path. (She) believed that he may have been following her through the park but she was not certain.

Multiple units responded to the park and searched the area in vehicles and on foot. King County Metro was notified with a description of the suspect but no one was located. Because (she) did not see the suspect enter or exit the park, his mode of transportation was not known. I provided (her) with an SPD business card with my name, serial number, and this incident number. I asked her to contact the department if she recalled any other details about the incident. I also provided (her) with a victim’s brochure and talked with her about counseling services available.

58 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch update: Police search at Lincoln Park after woman reports man grabbed her"

  • Lola May 26, 2015 (8:46 pm)

    What part of Lincoln Park? Do we know if she was on a trial? Was she alone?

    • WSB May 26, 2015 (8:49 pm)

      I had originally thought I heard along the water but then heard otherwise so I took that part out. Don’t know if I will be able to find out anything more from police but this was alarming enough that it seemed important to get out, even with “just” scanner information, for starters. – TR

  • Kathy May 26, 2015 (8:56 pm)

    it took place on the trail going up from the beach near the pool. The woman stopped by the shelter where we were and asked to use someone’s phone to call the police.

    • WSB May 26, 2015 (8:58 pm)

      Thank you, Kathy.

  • Liz May 27, 2015 (1:30 am)

    Any updates? Is the girl ok? Where did he grab her? Did they find him?

    • WSB May 27, 2015 (6:48 am)

      I hope to get the report or at least whatever details are in the system after SPD’s media-relations office opens this morning.

  • Laura May 27, 2015 (8:07 am)

    Does anyone know what time of day she was grabbed? It sure would be nice to know some more details to evaluate the situation. So many people walk there every day, it would be nice to know if Lincon park can still be a safe place to walk?

    • WSB May 27, 2015 (9:05 am)

      We published this right after hearing the dispatch via the scanner; the victim was waiting at the time for police, who met her at the park. So as far as we know, it happened a short time before that (see the time stamp on the story, 8:15 pm, so sometime in early evening). Every single detail we have so far is in this story; when SPD gets us the report (our request has been out since before 8 am), we’ll add details. – TR

      • WSB May 27, 2015 (9:26 am)

        Update: Just received the report narrative. Needs a little formatting but should be in the story within a few minutes.

  • Fred May 27, 2015 (9:46 am)

    The first couple that wouldn’t lend her a phone to call 911, and instead engaged in victim-blaming, should be ashamed. Nobody deserves to be assaulted, and we should all feel safe in our parks – especially at 8pm.

  • Interrobang May 27, 2015 (10:06 am)

    (She) then tried to get a passerby to lend her a cell phone. She stopped a couple who was walking through the area and asked to borrow their phone to call 911. The couple refused and told (her) that she should just leave the area, and that she should not travel alone.

    Just to be 100% clear, the couple listed above? You are vile, disgusting, terrible people. Like scum of the earth awful. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

  • Kristin May 27, 2015 (10:06 am)

    Completely agree with Fred regarding the couple that wouldn’t loan their phone. Shame on you!

  • MMB May 27, 2015 (10:10 am)

    +1, Fred. I was aghast at that.

  • Stacy May 27, 2015 (10:15 am)

    Why would you NOT lend someone your phone when in need. Disgraceful. This is one reason why I never leave my house without my phone, especially when walking through the park. We live just three blocks from Lincoln Park and walk through there every few days. My husband asks me all the time why I never go alone and to be honest, even when the park if full, I just never feel safe alone and perhaps I have good reason.

  • Jolene May 27, 2015 (10:22 am)

    At 8:25 PM I swear I someone matching that description walking south on CA towards Thistle. He stood out because he looked suspicious and seemed to be wandering.

  • Mld May 27, 2015 (10:31 am)

    To the couple refusing to lend the victim their cell phone: shame on you! I’ve been running in Lincoln Park for 25 years alone and have never had a problem. If something were to happen to me I would hope a Good Samaritan would lend me their phone.

  • DP May 27, 2015 (10:40 am)

    @Laura – what does the time of day matter? And because so many people do walk there every day, people should continue to walk there and look out for another unlike the cowards who denied the victim assistance. This really isn’t the time to cower down and discontinue using this park. By doing so, you’re telling the scum “OK, you win!”

  • Pat May 27, 2015 (10:43 am)

    I was surprised at first, reading about the people who wouldn’t loan their phone, then I thought about all the stories I read about people whose phones were stolen (potentially along with passwords, bank info, etc. on the phone) by someone asking to “use it for just a moment.” BUT – the couple should absolutely have offered to call 911 themselves on their phone, rather than sending the victim off without help.

    • WSB May 27, 2015 (11:19 am)

      As awful as this is – for those who’ve asked if the park is “safe” overall – crimes against persons are relatively rare at Lincoln Park; that was reiterated during meetings involving local groups from the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council to the Fauntleroy Community Association – car prowls are the park’s most common crime problem, so if you’re driving to the park, leave as much as you can at home.

  • BlueStar May 27, 2015 (10:49 am)

    Lincoln Park has always been sketchy, but I could not agree more with Fred and Interrobang and their sentiments of the couple that refused to help. In fact, Interrobang took the words right out of my mouth. Vile, disgusting, terrible people. They SHOULD be ashamed and hope that they are never in need of help. Hope this guy doesn’t bother anyone else.

  • Rose May 27, 2015 (11:04 am)

    Ugh, really? They wouldn’t let her use their phone? They are just as disgusting as the pervert that touched her. They totally contributed to her assault as well. She shouldn’t travel alone? Ignorance isn’t bliss, it’s hurtful in this case.
    Unfortunately, they will never understand their crime until it happens to them. Or they may be the type to blame themselves, “He grabbed me… but it’s my fault because I was alone.”

  • i'mcoveredinbees May 27, 2015 (11:12 am)

    I’m so sorry to the victim. It absolutely sucks to have your security taken away. Sounds like she handled it really well. Its’ scary when this sort of thing happens and she has a right to exercise in peace, especially without being sexually assaulted.

    As for the people who wouldn’t lend her their phone: there’s a special place in hell for people like them. Wow. Can’t even get my head around that.

  • miws May 27, 2015 (11:15 am)

    It’s pretty sad when people are afraid(?) to help out another person in distress, by simply lending a cell phone (or making the call themselves), but it’s maddening when they blame the victim…..



  • krb May 27, 2015 (11:38 am)

    Everyone should have the right to use the park and be safe during daylight hours. It’s totally inappropriate to blame the victim over this.

  • devil's advocate May 27, 2015 (11:42 am)

    I too am surprised that the first couple didn’t at least offer to call 911 FOR the victim. To be assaulted and then denied help- it sounds traumatic.

    But along the lines of what Pat said, and the general suspicions people have of eachother… I’d like to see what the other commenters would do in a similar situation. Say, a young adult gets attacked and robbed, walking home from the bus stop after work at 11 PM. They come knocking at your door to call police. How many of the commenters will A) even answer the door, and B) lend their phone? Most of the commenters on WSB talk about answering the door with a gun (at that hour) in their hand…..I doubt they would hand over a phone.

  • cj May 27, 2015 (11:52 am)

    I love L Park and moved years ago to be close to it, but its a shadow of its former self in many ways. I dont feel safe walking there alone even in the day time now.

  • Laura May 27, 2015 (11:58 am)

    @DP As nice as it would be to know that Lincoln Park is a safe place to walk, I think it is important to be aware of the situation at hand. The truth is, Lincoln Park is still in the city, and we can never be 100% sure of our safety. As a woman I would never walk in the park alone especially in the more wooded area. I always walk with my phone, and with my dog or another person, and never near dark. We can protect our selves by staying on the main trails and in the presents of other people. I love walking Lincoln Park, and would love to see some kind of neighborhood or Park watch developed for this area.

  • anonyme May 27, 2015 (12:06 pm)

    The couple that refused to call 911 are revolting excuses for human beings. This is not Saudi Arabia. Women have the right to walk unaccompanied and unsupervised in public. I just can’t believe the insanely sexist and stupid attitudes that still exist today. I wonder how this couple would react if they were attacked and passers-by refused to call for help? Outrageous.

    They didn’t have to “hand over” their phone. All they had to do was make the call. Their comment to the victim made it clear that they did not fear her – they judged her.

  • pat davis May 27, 2015 (12:11 pm)

    Lincoln Park is beloved by me, and I go there almost daily. Yes, like much of West Seattle it is changing (for the worse) Groups of thugs in the evening. And guys riding their bicycles up and onto the original, hand built, rockery at the lower level (just north of the ‘odd’ bathroom structure) Graffiti is rampant as well. Only in the last year have I felt ‘not safe’ (as I used to feel very safe) at Lincoln Park. Please report vandalism, graffiti and destruction of public property to the police. The only way we get more West Seattle police coverage is to let them know what is going on. If we don’t step up and take responsibility to protect West Seattle, Lincoln Park, Alki – we will likely not have a great option of where to move to when we move away.

  • Eric May 27, 2015 (12:16 pm)

    I’m with Devil’s Advocate. Why didn’t the people offer to call 911?

    I don’t lend my phone it just for the fact that this is sometimes a ploy people use and then run off with the phone, but at the very least I would call 911 and stay with the victim until the police arrived

  • JN May 27, 2015 (12:18 pm)

    How do you think it is okay to tell someone who has just been assaulted that it is, essentially, their fault? WTH!??!

  • G May 27, 2015 (12:59 pm)

    Per the car vandalism, last time I was in town I dropped by Lincoln Park for a walk. I forgot I had my laptop, and having no place to hide it (hatchback) and nothing to cover it with, I spent a few minutes trying to decide whether to drive back to Admiral, or risk leaving it in the car. Ended up carrying it around with me through the park. And this on a major arterial with people coming and going, in broad daylight. Just nuts.

  • unknown May 27, 2015 (2:02 pm)

    Shame on the 1st couple who denied the use of their phone or to even call the police for her and to give her blame for it to even happen!
    How do they know when they sent her on her way that “he” would not meet up with her again by hiding somewhere and then for them to here on the news later something dreadful!!!

  • Jeff May 27, 2015 (3:57 pm)

    I’ll disagree with the crowd. I’ll call the police for someone, but under no circumstances am I going to hand my phone to a stranger. Just not going to do it.

  • Honest Check May 27, 2015 (5:20 pm)

    I like all of the “Moral Police” here. You need to get a reality check and stop jumping to conclusions. I would never hand over my phone to a stranger, even a child. The police report states that the “Assault” was grabbing her butt. She had no outward sign of injury, so would you give your phone to her? I doubt it. Did she give the couple time to digest the situation, or did she just run down the hill? Not enough info to know. I personally would separate my self from the person and call 911 and then reapproach them.
    I am suprised that only a couple of people are disgusted by the originator of the issue.
    And I do feel sorry for the woman and hope they catch the man. I believe that if not caugth, he will begin to escalate.

  • Laura May 27, 2015 (6:25 pm)

    I am the person to whom this happened yesterday around 7:45pm, and I was on the main upper trail that overlooks the water.

    I am a 40 year old woman, and I have never experienced anything like this before. The absolute MOST upsetting part of this whole experience was how other people responded to me. I was told “I should know better” than be in the park by myself. I was told I “should get a dog” and “I should get pepper spray.” Sadly, I got some idea of how victims of such crimes can be blamed.

    I often run with a weapon and I never use earphones. I have an awareness of my surroundings, self-defense training, and plenty of life experience (e.g., traveling on my own). In fact, I tend to err on the side of hyper-vigilance, as many of my friends and family will attest.

    However, I THOUGHT that with so many people around, I could easily find some help. One man actually recoiled from me after I asked for help. I felt like I was the person in the wrong –questioning how I might have brought this on myself. The person who grabbed me stuck around even after another couple approached, and as I asked for their help. They even asked him for his name, which he sheepishly said he couldn’t give it to them and then left the scene.

    A quick cell-phone picture of this man could have solved this crime and prevented him from doing a similar thing to someone else, which I predict he will. (I have a phd in school psychology, so I have some understanding of mental illness.)

    The manner in which this young man stuck around, apologized profusely, and insisted he only had a month to live was truly bizarre. Upon reflection, I worry about his mental state and the trajectory of his future behaviors in general, but in particular toward women.

    I did find some wonderful people who let me use their phone, and the police were very kind. Please, neighbors, help your fellow man and woman, and please, just take a quick picture or call 911 for someone if they ask you to. Please refrain from giving your “advice” or list of “shoulds” to someone who has just been a victim of a crime.

  • songstruck May 27, 2015 (6:48 pm)

    Honest Check – Nearly everyone mentioned the option of the couple calling 911. If they had time to blame her, they had time to “digest” the situation. We can only rely on the facts as reported. In any case, any cop would tell you that calling 911 is appropriate in that situation. It goes without saying that the perpetrator is the main problem. But if we can’t help each other in easy, no-risk ways (like calling 911) then we have no chance of successfully dealing with the bad guys.

  • Reality Check May 27, 2015 (6:55 pm)

    Thank you Honest Check! I stewed about this all afternoon when I originally read the story and comments. I was appalled, though not surprised, at the attack against the couple who was not gullible enough to pull their phone out of their pocket, let alone hand it to a stranger for use. As a woman, I am disturbed by yet one more report of a perverted male running around grabbing people indecently but let’s think this through critically before jumping to conclusions. There have been multiple depictions of cell phone robberies around WS for the last year or so, one scenario where perpetrators walk up to an unsuspecting victim and ask for the time. As the person pulls out their cellphone, it is snatched from their hands and their $699 smart phone is gone. Lincoln Park would be a perfect setting for this. How was this couple to know that they were not being targeted? They didn’t have the benefit you all had of the police report to corroborate it. They react instinctively and while sad that we live in this environment, it is what it is.

    By the way…. I didn’t read anyone blaming the victim in the police report. Read like sound advice to me.

  • unknown May 27, 2015 (7:27 pm)

    Laura I’m glad you are OK especially after going thru all of this, and I mean from how most people wouldn’t help you. I myself at the age of 14 was walking home from White Front in Burien (shows how long ago) and was sexually assaulted luckily a girl I knew from school but did not hang out with lived close where this happened and they had no problem taking me in and called my dad or me so there are some good people out there…again I am glad you are OK.

  • miws May 27, 2015 (7:29 pm)

    By the way…. I didn’t read anyone blaming the victim in the police report.


    She stopped a couple who was walking through the area and asked to borrow their phone to call 911. The couple refused and told (her) that she should just leave the area, and that she should not travel alone.

  • Steve May 27, 2015 (7:57 pm)

    We need more police in all areas of the city. Pike/Pine, 3rd Ave downtown, all of our parks. For as ‘rich’ of a city we supposedly are, our police staffing levels are ridiculous. Our parks are basically tent cities for homeless and other miscreants.

  • AJP May 27, 2015 (7:58 pm)

    Laura, I’ve had my butt grabbed multiple times, and my even my breast grabbed once. Broad daylight, walking around city streets (not in Seattle). It’s jarring, disconcerting, and awful, even if it’s “not that bad”. I’m sorry this happened to you. I’m sorry people were suspect of your situation. It’s horrible that being a woman means some people think your body is theirs to touch. It’s even worse when people judge you and give you “sound advice” that you shouldn’t walk alone in broad daylight in a park, and that you shouldn’t be surprised that someone wouldn’t help you by calling 911 because a $699 phone is worth more than your right to take a walk in the park.

  • Erik May 27, 2015 (8:05 pm)

    The crime is appalling, the couple’s response is appalling, and some of these comments here are beyond baffling. The fact that this couple had time to scold the victim and insinuate that she brought this on herself by walking alone in a park, is despicable. This couple had an opportunity to make a call, and or, take a photo of a sexual predator. But instead, they chose to ignore the criminal and blame the victim. Also, to those of you commenting on here that are more concerned with cell phones than women’s safety, I truly hope you never have to rely on a stranger for help. Please consider the feelings of the victim before spewing nonsense about cell phone safety when a woman has been assaulted. Unbelievable what people prioritize these days. I’m so sorry Laura and thank you for sharing such a thoughtful and candid account of what happened. I hope this young man is caught before he causes more harm. You are incredibly brave and I just wish some of the people you encountered were brave enough to help a fellow human in distress.

  • Fred May 27, 2015 (8:24 pm)

    Laura, thanks for sharing. I’m sorry this happened to you. As I said above, nobody deserves to be assaulted – regardless of the time or location. I think it’s clear that most of us would have lent you our phones, as that’s the decent, trusting, kind thing to do. I’m sorry it wasn’t my wife and kids who happened upon you, as we would have done anything needed to assist.

  • Whitney May 27, 2015 (9:21 pm)

    I am so sorry this happened to you. I can’t believe no one would help at first. People should be ashamed not to have been right there to help you and capture this guy. Everyone should be able to walk around in daylight alone and it is sad that women do have to get pepper spray or a pet to feel safe. I hope you know there are more good than bad people and it’s too bad you had to encounter the bad people first.

  • anonyme May 28, 2015 (7:10 am)

    I agree with Laura’s assessment of this guy’s mental state. I have knowledge of comments made by Ian Stawicki to a friend in the hours between the murders and his suicide. They are chillingly similar. The fact that he hung around after the fact, in front of witnesses, indicates that he has crossed a dangerous line. I hope he is found, quickly.

  • Karen May 28, 2015 (7:32 am)

    Laura – you are so incredibly strong to post your story. It sickens me that you were first, assaulted and had your security robbed. 2nd, you couldn’t trust others to help you. 3rd, others who learn of this incident focus more on the moral code of the couple who didn’t help and cost of cell phones over the actual incident. The man is walking free, a photo could have been taken by the witnesses. You did nothing wrong. To the rest of us, hope this gives us the courage to step in and help others in distress. Keep an eye on each other. Be a community.

  • JTB May 28, 2015 (8:15 am)

    Like anonyme, I’m struck by the fact that this creep stayed around and even exchanged some comments with the victim and the passers by. Also, taking into account Laura’s training in self defense, she presumably has some ability to assess a threat and in this case chose to speak with the perp rather than yell for help or fight. So I wonder if the passers by had a sense of urgency or imminent danger based on what they encountered? Might it have been a contrived situation designed to get their phone? As others have pointed out, the best thing to do would be to call 911, and that would apply even if you thought it was a set up. Still, I think admonishing Laura was beyond lame.

  • NotOnHolden May 28, 2015 (10:01 am)

    I cannot believe my son and I walk amongst some of you people everyday. The victim blaming is terrifying. There is no excuse, it would have been as simple as walking away and making the call to the police and/or snapping a quick photo. TO acknowledge that people should help their fellow man in no way discounts the actions of the perpetrator. The idea that a person asking for help was treated this way is absolutely disgusting. No one is saying that anyone needed to become a super hero and involve themselves in a dangerous situation; they could make the call something anything other than what was done. It’s so gross all around.

  • i'mcoveredinbees May 28, 2015 (2:01 pm)


    Thanks a lot for sharing your story. Again, I am sorry this has happened to you and you did the right thing at all turns. Your assessment of the man sounds spot on as well.

    I live near Lincoln and also find it increasingly sketchy. Sad but true. We have to fight back against this sort of thing by protecting our park and each other!

    To the person who compared the price of a cell phone to someone’s safety… I truly feel sorry for you.

    To the people who wouldn’t hand over their cell phone to a total stranger: so you are protecting yourself against crime but refuse to help someone else do the same? What’s wrong with then offering to call 911 for her? That would be the test about whether or not she was lying. I get being guarded in a city but the selfishness and utter narcissism in this thread is seriously revolting.

    Take care, Laura!

  • WSborn&bred May 28, 2015 (5:11 pm)

    Thank you, Laura, for taking the incident seriously, calling the police, and having the courage to share your experience in the comments here. I am so sorry that this happened to you. I have been groped in public, here in Seattle, in broad daylight, while with people I knew nearby on multiple occasions. The first two times were at ages 11 and 14 and I was not alone/walking at night/wearing headphones/etc in either incident – there were adult chaperons nearby on both occasions (my parents were very strict about my being out unsupervised, yet these things still happened). I completely understand the complex emotions associated with this and being dismissed when you tell someone what happened. It took me well into adulthood to realize that this isn’t okay and to stop blaming myself or thinking that it was just part of being a girl. I am writing this publicly because I think it’s really important for us as adults to look at ourselves and re-evaluate how we respond to these situations and how we react to victims. As an adult, I look at my nieces approaching their preteen years and think, my god, how did I ever think that was my fault when I was THEIR age? If we as adults don’t set the standards for appropriate response, what will the children think? How will they know to respond?

  • Jennifer May 28, 2015 (6:03 pm)

    I am really sorry that happened to you, Laura! It is important that people learn not to judge, and to care for one another. You show concern for your attacker’s mental state, despite the fact that his actions traumatized you. That is admirable, and people should learn from your example. I have lived near Lincoln Park for 22 years, and there has always been a “sketchy” element to it. Predatory people like to find places to prey from, where they won’t get caught. I have had more than one discomfiting experience there. Several years ago, a day after calling in one flasher, the police asked me to ride with them to identify a man they had caught in the act. They brought him out of a police car in handcuffs, while I was concealed in another car with darkened windows. He was African American. I couldn’t identify him. The guy I’d called in was Caucasian. Take care of yourself, and know that you SHOULD NOT have been blamed!

  • Laura May 28, 2015 (7:48 pm)

    The first time I signed on to the West Seattle Blog was yesterday evening, to share my experience with the intention of information dissemination & prevention. And I did so feeling quite disheartened by the lack of empathy and the critical judgments I experienced at the park. As I signed on, I was rather shocked to see not only my story up here in detail, but the comments from others sharing their ideologies about how a woman should (or rather, should NOT) be living her life. I was so upset that I went for a run –guess where? Yep. I did it. Again. What I found that the park was teeming with police. Could it be in response to what happened to me?

    All this “commotion” is a bit unsettling to me, but I also feel a true sense of gratitude and validation–that this really does matter, and this is, as one blogger so aptly put it, “not just a part of being a woman.” Today, I mustered the courage to go back to this blog once again, and this time, I am met with an entirely different response.

    I truly appreciate the sense of support and the outcry against the antiquated, oppressive diatribe and micro-aggressions. Seattle is a progressive place known for its forward-thinking citizens. Now THIS is the Seattle I left the Midwest for. Now THIS is the city I love. Thank you for your support, solidarity –and the silver lining.

  • Robert May 28, 2015 (10:06 pm)

    don’t know about washington but alaska has a law [FAILURE TO RENDER AID] they take it real serious up there. mostly due to lack of police. it might be worth putting something like that down here…..

  • miws May 29, 2015 (7:40 am)

    Laura, I have a firm belief, (partially from personal experience), that the bulk of West Seattle people are good, and would render aid in person, or at least show support in comments to a news story, in scenarios such as yours, as well as many other scenarios where a person has come across harm or misfortune.


    Unfortunately, there are a seemingly very vocal, but relatively few, people that never seem to have a kind or supportive word to say.



  • wb May 29, 2015 (2:50 pm)

    Laura–thanks for bravely sharing your story and checking back in. There are those of us (thank you WSborn&bred and others) who believe that women have a right to be safe in this world. Know that you have made a very positive impact. Stay strong, sister.

  • Lynn May 29, 2015 (3:38 pm)

    To Laura and all women,
    we should be allowed to travel anywhere we want to alone without fearing for our lives and have people judge us.

    To the couple who refused to loan Laura their cell phone:
    Couples get mugged too. And…your refusal to help someone in need is DESPICABLE. SHAME ON YOU.

  • red June 4, 2015 (12:42 am)

    I’m sorry about what happened but I wouldn’t of let her use my phone to call the cops either they don’t do nothing but make things worse. I would of just helped her myself

Sorry, comment time is over.