West Seattle Thursday: Design Review for 3211 California; Loyalty Day @ VFW; Style ’14; DIY Bikes; Day of Prayer; vigil; more…

May is Bike Month. Thanks to Don Brubeck for the above view from the path; scroll down, meantime, for a DIY Bikes event among tonight’s listings. Speaking of which, this first day of May is a hot one in calendar terms as well as impending high temperature in the 80s, with a variety of events on the way, including these:

LOYALTY DAY: Did you know the first day of May is not just May Day but also Loyalty Day? Find out more at noon today, when the VFW Auxiliary invites you to a ceremony at VFW Post 2713 in The Triangle. (3618 SW Alaska)

SPRING TASTE: West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor) invites you to drop by and sample the tastes of spring, 4-7 pm. (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)

DIY BIKES – THE TRUTH ABOUT WHEEL TRUING: From the announcement: “The truth is, you can do it once you have learned some of the tricks of the trade. This workshop is offered by DIY Bikes in cooperation with the West Seattle Tool Library, 5-8 pm. DIY will provide the tools and the knowhow. Bring your own wheels to work on or help others with their wheels.” The WSTL is on the northeast side of Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

CELEBRATE MAY DAY AT THE COMMUNITY ORCHARD OF WEST SEATTLE: From the announcement: “Get ready for a long and prosperous growing season. Start by building your soil. This week at COWS (Community Orchard of West Seattle) we will be showing the public how to build rich and lasting soil beds using the lasagna garden method. This May Day edition of our usual Thursday ‘Health and Harvest’ starts at 5 pm with the soil-building class between 5 and 6 pm. COWS is located at the north end of the South Seattle College campus.” (6000 16th SW)

ALKI ELEMENTARY PTA: 6:15 pm tonight in the school library. From the announcement:

-Meet Madison Middle School Principal, Dr. Robert Gary, and PTA President, Julie Howell, at a special presentation geared toward 5th grade families
-Insights from “Positive Discipline,” a parenting program led by Violet Borghesi
-Budget Committee will present the proposed 2014-2015 budget for review

(3010 59th SW)

‘STYLE ’14’ FASHION SHOW: West Seattleite-founded/-led Northwest Hope and Healing presents its annual fundraising fashion show “Style ’14,” tonight at Showbox SODO, with lots of West Seattle businesses and volunteers involved; tickets available at the door – 6:30 pm for VIP level, 7 pm general, more details in our most-recent preview. (1700 1st Ave. S.)

DESIGN REVIEW FOR 3211 CALIFORNIA: 6:30 pm at the Senior Center of West Seattle, it’s the last Southwest Design Review Board meeting scheduled for a while. Just one project this time, Early Design Guidance for the proposed 63-apartment, 4-live-work-unit, 63-parking-space building at 3211 California SW, as shown on this map from the design “packet”:.

See renderings (remember, this is the “massing” phase, so it’s all about size/shape) and details by previewing the full “packet” here. As always, there will be a public-comment period. (California/Oregon, upstairs)

VILLAGE SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE: The cooperative school for K-2 students invites prospective families to its open house 6:30-8:30 tonight on the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus; details in our calendar listing. (6000 16th SW)

NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: Community prayer gathering at 7 pm at Shorewood Foursquare Church; details in our calendar listing. (10300 28th SW)

CANDLELIGHT VIGIL: Four months after the murder of Stephen Jeffries, Jr., in South Delridge, no arrest yet, so family and friends are gathering for a candlelight vigil in the neighborhood where it happened – community invited. 7:30 pm; details here. (Across from 9215 16th SW)

‘HAIR’ AT ARTSWEST: Second week under way for the new, yet classic, production at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) curtain time 7:30 pm. (4711 California SW)

Even with all that, you’ll still find MORE on the WSB calendar!

9 Replies to "West Seattle Thursday: Design Review for 3211 California; Loyalty Day @ VFW; Style '14; DIY Bikes; Day of Prayer; vigil; more..."

  • Anonymous May 1, 2014 (10:22 am)

    totally forgot today was May Day… Hopefully I can leave work a little early and try to avoid the traffic….

  • skeeter May 1, 2014 (11:26 am)

    I am pretty sure the DIY workshop is from 6 to 8, not 5 to 8. http://diybikes.org/events/6/wheel-truing-workshop/

    • WSB May 1, 2014 (11:33 am)

      The announcement sent to us from Stu Hennessey, the godfather of DIY Bikes, mentions 5-8 pm, twice. So I have to go with that.

  • Diane May 1, 2014 (11:41 am)

    http://www.westseattlethriftway.com is correct link; thanks for heads-up about Spring Taste

  • skeeter May 1, 2014 (12:35 pm)

    agreed Stu is the godfather!! I thought it might have been a typing error.

  • Jeff H May 1, 2014 (1:58 pm)

    Stu will be arriving ~6:30pm to the DIY Bikes workshop tonight, and I’ll be there ~5:30pm. I’m working with Stu to get our times straightened out since we can’t always be there right at 5:00pm during these weeknight events. Tool Library closes at 8:00pm, so that’ll always be our stop time. Thanks!

  • payrollgirl May 1, 2014 (5:57 pm)

    And did you also know that May 1st is “Lei Day” in Hawaii?

    • WSB May 1, 2014 (6:11 pm)

      It is! We used to make leis at school (I was there in intermediate and high school), picked plumerias from the trees in our yard. I believe they were taken to the cemetery at Punchbowl or something similar … TR

  • payrollgirl May 1, 2014 (6:50 pm)

    Yes it is we were just there last week and I read and heard about it then, wish we were still there to join in the festivities! Here’s a link about Lei Day, hope I copied and pasted it correctly…a little computer challenged! :>) If wrong, you get the jest where to look!


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