West Seattle Weather Watch: Windy, but no official warnings

Reminiscent of how the Christmas Day mini-windstorm began – the wind sounds fairly fierce, but so far, no official warnings, at least onshore (Puget Sound off our shores has a “gale warning” till 8 pm, a “small craft advisory” till 4 pm Wednesday). The Alki Point weather station (K91S on this list) recorded a 52-knot gust at the top of the hour. No power problems currently on the Seattle City Light map for our area, but we’ve received two notes about Comcast problems in the Sunrise Heights area (no way to tell if it’s weather-related, of course).

5 Replies to "West Seattle Weather Watch: Windy, but no official warnings"

  • kumalavula January 2, 2012 (7:26 pm)

    almost as fast as the rain and wind picked up over an hour ago now, it seems to be calming down here on the western edge of pigeon point. that was sure a late afternoon surprise!

    • WSB January 2, 2012 (7:27 pm)

      glad to hear that, still sounding .. vigorous! … here on the blufftop over Lincoln Park.

  • stacy January 2, 2012 (7:48 pm)

    Our cable keeps going out and it is terribly windy. We are by the water tower on 35th. So weird about these wind storms lately.

  • Diane January 2, 2012 (10:46 pm)

    We’re on Gatewood Hill on Webster & our Comcast internet has been out since around 5pm.

  • RS January 2, 2012 (11:04 pm)

    Surprise! Found my trash can a half block away…

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