Tonight, from “Wseavirgo“:
thought you might be interested in a coyote sighting this morning on Delridge at the Louisa Boren school. A woman was taking photos of it and it ran across the street in front of my car – had to hit the brakes so I would not hit it. This was at 8:20 this morning, a time when kids are in the area waiting for buses- there were a couple about half a block from where the coyote was.
We’ve been publishing coyote sightings (with photos when available – scroll through the archive) for about four years, by the way, and haven’t had any West Seattle reports of human-coyote problems, though certainly there’s no doubt they eat smaller animals, which is noted in the coexisting-with-coyotes advice to which we often link. Then, there are the audio encounters, like this one Sha’ari shared last week:
All the dogs in the neighborhood went nuts as a coyote sang his high-pitched repetitive barks for about 10 minutes, just ending about a minute ago. Sounded like it was coming from the Longfellow Creek/golf course area. I’m on 25th Ave SW near Alaska. Wish I’d recorded it! First time I’ve heard that in 12 years @ my house.