(Story and Photos by Jason Grotelueschen)
That’s the West Seattle Big Band playing their final song, as the sun set (both literally and figuratively) on the second summer of the Admiral Neighborhood Association’s popular Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series.
A reporter-estimated crowd of 300 enjoyed the show, on a pleasant but increasingly chilly Thursday night as the wind picked up and the sun went down. The WSBB concert was the sixth and final concert of the 2010 Hiawatha season, and ANA president Katy Walum said it was a terrific summer. Here’s Katy introducing WSBB and thanking the sponsors, volunteers, and musicians who made it all possible:

Here’s the crowd spreading across Hiawatha’s east field:

And here’s the band in full swing:

We’ll update this post later with more comments from Katy Walum, and perhaps a video from WSBB’s performance.
SEPTEMBER 4 UPDATE: We’ve added a short video below of WSBB’s performance.