West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day signups: Deadline nears

garagesaledaysmalllog5.jpgAs of this morning, we’ve passed 120 sales registered for the sixth annual West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day, coming up Saturday, May 8th – not one big sale, but a multitude of sales big AND small, all over the peninsula. It’s the third year that WSB has sponsored/coordinated the sale, and we’ll start making The Map as soon as registration closes late Thursday night (it’ll be available May 1st). A few notes:

*Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) still has a few courtyard spots, if you don’t want to sell at your own place (or don’t have enough room) – you can sign up @ Hotwire (free)

*C & P Coffee also is offering space for individual sellers (free) – we’re checking on their status but you can contact them in the meantime

*(added) Highland Park Improvement Club is offering space too, but charging $20 as an HPIC fundraiser – e-mail hpic1919@gmail.com

*If you have stuff you don’t want to sell but would like to donate to one of the nonprofits that’s participating, we know of at least one: CoolMom is collecting donated items at Cycle University (4550 Fauntleroy; that’s where their sale will be) up through Friday 5/7, the day before Sale Day. CM executive director Terri Glaberson says, “Folks can drop off their loot at Cycle University and place inside the Blue large storage container, which is located on the East side of Cycle University, Fauntleroy side. Here’s their flyer about the donations and sale.

As usual, we’re promoting West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day regionally so that sale-shopping fans know they’re also welcome to come to the peninsula that for one day becomes a garage-saler’s paradise – the ultimate in person-to-person recycling. Want to be part of it? Register and pay online by 11:59 pm Thursday (4/22), starting here. (The form server’s been running a little slow this morning; we appreciate your patience.) Any questions? E-mail our special WSCGSD mailbox, garagesale@westseattleblog.com or call our 24/7 business line, 206-293-6302.

1 Reply to "West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day signups: Deadline nears"

  • Metal Jesus April 20, 2010 (11:44 am)

    I will be out looking to buy retro video games and consoles on that day. So, if people are selling that stuff, put it in the description! Thanks :P

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