Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 9 days!

9 days till the sixth annual edition of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day – coming up Saturday, May 8, 9 am-3 pm, all over the peninsula.. We are deep in the throes of mapmaking right now – we start with a Google Map before converting the data into the printed, numbered map, and what you see at left is a screengrab of the peninsula with “only” two-thirds of the sales entered so far – there’s no question, we’re past 200 sales. If you missed out on the three-week registration period (which closed last Thursday), we heard tonight that there are still a few spots at the group-sale site at Highland Park Improvement Club (e-mail to inquire) – also you can check with Hotwire Coffee (WSB sponsor) if there’s any room in the Hotwire courtyard/Ginomai parking lot multi-seller site, or at C & P Coffee. If you add all the people participating there to the total, plus the multi-family/group sales, there are at least 400 people selling! Lots of nonprofit fundraisers too – including West Seattle High School Grad Night, Chief Sealth High School PTSA, Lincoln Park P-Patch, CoolMom, Hope Lutheran mission trip, West Seattle Christian well-building trip, West Seattle Relay for Life, Alki and Lincoln Park Co-op Preschools, Amigos de los Americas, Kiwanis Club of West Seattle, Boy Scout Troop 284, Westside Unitarian Universalist Congregation, International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, and then there’s the West Seattle Tool Library – accepting donations, and sending “scavenger teams” out to buy tools, instead of selling. The West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day map will be available online by Saturday night; we’ll have a limited number of printed copies for pickup at various locations, hopefully also by Saturday but it depends on how fast we finish it! Meantime, the most important thing to do is to mark your calendar and plan on a fun day. (Note to sellers: Thursday’s the last day we can take you off the map if you have to cancel – e-mail or call 206-293-6302.)

2 Replies to "Countdown to West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day: 9 days!"

  • kg April 29, 2010 (8:24 am)

    Does each garage sale have a sample listing of a few of the items they are selling or is it just listing locations? Personally I am looking for outdoor/camping type items and would hate to spend all day driving around when I could focus on just a few of places. Apologies if this is posted elsewhere, but this is the first WS Community Garage Sale I’ll be in town for.

  • WSB April 30, 2010 (7:21 am)

    Sample listing. Everyone had the chance to include a “10-word ad,” and the text will be matched with locations. Many are general like “kids stuff and lots of knickknacks” but there are also some that get very specific, within the constraint of 10 words! Map will be online by 9 tomorrow night so you can start browsing :) – Tracy

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