West Seattle scenes: Eagles; blossoms; more Water Taxi dock pix

Another double-eagle sighting! This time, in Arbor Heights. Thanks to John for the photo from 104th/California. Then from SW Dawson … Nick sends a photo so full of cherry blossoms, they take up the whole frame:

And while we were out enjoying the sun, we stopped by Seacrest for more of a look at the newly complete King County Water Taxi dock, after getting Alki Kayak Tours‘ photo of the “finger piers” yesterday. Here’s a look down the ramp to the dock:

Then a view of the full dock:

And the gangway that’ll take you to the boat, which will pull up perpendicular to the dock (and can be boarded from either side) rather than nosing in alongside, as in years past:

Less than a month now till opening day, Monday 4/5.

1 Reply to "West Seattle scenes: Eagles; blossoms; more Water Taxi dock pix"

  • knm March 6, 2010 (1:53 pm)

    Yay! I was with John when the eagles were spotted. It was spectacular!

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