West Seattle Crime Watch: Again and a Gain hit by burglars

Sarah at Again and a Gain baby/child consignment shop in The Junction says their store’s been burglarized:

Many of the 5000 families, mostly based in West Seattle, who participate in reducing / recycling / & reusing at Again & a Gain will be sorry to hear (what happened to) this consignment shop for Everything Baby, Kid & Maternity dedicated to supporting and sponsoring many of our local schools, charities and organizations to promote Healthy Children & a Healthy Planet including WestSide Baby, Family Services and more including to help children and families in need in Haiti.. Discovered the shop was broken into overnight and the till cleaned out.

Police may have obtained some good fingerprints, incident # 10-30397. The community’s support of the shop will be greatly appreciated as we work to recover from this setback.

Again and a Gain is at 4832 California SW, east side of the street a few doors south of Edmunds. ADDED 10:19 PM: Of potential interest to other local businesses, this note from Square 1 Books (WSB sponsor) in the WSB Forums, reacting to this story, recommending an alarm-monitoring company.

9 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Again and a Gain hit by burglars"

  • Molly January 27, 2010 (5:59 pm)

    Sarah, I’m SO sorry. I just saw you 1/2 hour ago and wish I’d known. Anything we can do to help?

  • Mary T Sheely January 27, 2010 (6:33 pm)

    All these break-ins are getting me down. : ( Seriously.

  • luckymom30 January 27, 2010 (8:03 pm)

    Sorry to hear of your bulgary. But I have a question, your till was emptied, so you leave the store money in the till overnight? Shouldn’t it in placed in a safe deposit box, the bank or something??

  • (required) January 27, 2010 (8:28 pm)

    Some of these break-ins can be avoided if people plan better. Like, I am NOT suggesting Again and a Gain is at fault — and I hope the cops catch the bum(s). But, we all should take whatever we can from bad stories like these by taking steps we can to protect ourselves and our property. It is clear that police resources are limited. Look at your home business or garage — or where your car is parked. If you can’t see vulnerabilities, ask the SPD — those guys do care and do want to help you protect yourself as much as you can. And start a truly tight community watch –NOW. It can and will happen to you, but maybe, maybe you can prevent it by scaring them off to the next block. Sad but true.

    Now, let’s support Again and a Gain!

  • coffee January 27, 2010 (8:38 pm)

    agreed, and no business should never ever leave money in the till overnight. It should be locked up or removed from the business each night.

  • luckymom30 January 28, 2010 (10:18 am)

    Exactly my point! It is truly sad that Again and A Gain was robbed, but now maybe they will be more viligant and lock up the money in a safe. Yes, this is yet another sad reminder that we all should be very watchful and take precautions.

    I question I do have is how would the robbers know that the money was in the till? I would think that most businesses and even small businesses would lock up the days take or take it home with them for a bank deposit the next day.

  • Lola January 28, 2010 (10:29 am)


    So sorry to hear of this happening to your shop. I know how hard you work at it. I hope they catch the theives.

  • Carrie January 28, 2010 (12:21 pm)

    Five or so years ago my daughter called 911 and reported as she observed it happening; the door to the shop jimmied and the cash register taken out of the store in a stroller to the fellow’s waiting truck. Odd it should happen again.

  • Silly Goose January 28, 2010 (1:47 pm)

    When my daugher was younger I was a regular at this shop prior to it being Again and a Gain. The previous owner sold this shop for this exact reason. She had been robbed several times during the day and they could never catch the guy but she always suspected he lived in the apartments above her building. As soon as he hit the door he was completely gone until one day a woman across the street was pointing up, as to say he ran up those stairs. So sorry for you loss, I hope they catch the creeps who did this to your lovely shop.

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