Traffic alert: Serious crash on West Marginal Way South

In case you are planning on heading east, you should know there is a serious two-vehicle crash not too far away — West Marginal South and South Holden (map) – at least three people reported to have major injuries, including a baby, per scanner traffic from medics rushing them to the hospital. Don’t know the circumstances yet; will add links as we find them, to anyone covering in person. 7:32 PM UPDATE: The P-I has published a short item that says West Marginal has reopened to traffic.

6 Replies to "Traffic alert: Serious crash on West Marginal Way South"

  • Kristina March 1, 2009 (8:34 pm)

    Those words “a baby” just made my heart go into my mouth. A prayer and a thought for that baby, that family…

  • Mike March 1, 2009 (8:47 pm)

    Hope they recover soon. Between people driving too fast and the large amount of standing water on West Marginal Way when it rains, this does not surprise me. Drainage along that road is aweful and I typically get passed like I’m not moving. I really wish we had more police presence along that road, it’s also the main one the motorbikes and kid racers like to use when heading away from Alki. I’ve called in 2 street races on that road, one time they had 8 people report the same thing and I saw the fleet of cops pass by me to wrangle in the little bastards.

  • M March 1, 2009 (9:03 pm)

    Not that surprised, that intersection is about as safe as West Marginal and Highland Park Way SW. People are always in a rush to get through both of those intersections.

  • coffee geek March 1, 2009 (10:35 pm)

    We drove by the site on the way home. It was one of those car wrecks that makes you cringe when you go by. Looked like a terrible rear-ender accident. :(

  • beachdrivegirl March 2, 2009 (11:44 am)

    And the news is also reporting that the driver who rear ended the car is being investigated for a DUI. not good!

  • sunprincess March 3, 2009 (8:30 am)

    my husband and i actually watched the wreck as it happened. it was horrible.

    to clarify, the baby was in the car of the driver who was being investigated. :(

    the passenger of the car that got hit was amazingly ok physically, the driver of that car was not in the best shape.

    needless to say a DUI police van followed the ambulance carrying the man who caused the accident away from the scene.

    i wish there was an update available as we were very worried about the victims and the baby, but i havent been able to find any yet.

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