4 firefighter heroes honored tonight at Holy Family

14 years ago tonight, a crime of greed took a terrible toll: Four Seattle firefighters lost their lives in a commercial warehouse in the International District that was set ablaze by its owner’s son. Tonight, those four firefighters — Randy Terlicker, James Brown, Lt. Greg Shoemaker, and Lt. Walter Kilgore (namesake of the Honor Guard shown in the photo above) — were remembered at Holy Family School, Terlicker’s alma mater. Those in attendance included Fire Chief Gregory Dean, Mayor Nickels, City Council President Richard Conlin, and City Councilmembers Tom Rasmussen and Tim Burgess. The event also raised money for Holy Family scholarships to be granted by the Randy Terlicker Endowment Fund. ADDED 10:30 PM: Video of the Seattle Fire Department Pipes and Drums Band procession, followed by the Honor Guard presenting the colors:

Randy’s mom Colleen Terlicker shared memories tonight as well:

Her son was only 35 when he died in the warehouse fire; James Brown was 25; Lt. Kilgore, 45; Lt. Shoemaker, 43. Three years after the fire, arsonist Martin Pang was sentenced to 35 years in prison; as this 1998 Times story notes, he pleaded guilty to manslaughter – murder charges were rendered impossible by the extradition agreement with Brazil, to which he had fled after the crime.

1 Reply to "4 firefighter heroes honored tonight at Holy Family"

  • ellen January 5, 2009 (11:22 pm)

    In the 5th grade I sat in the desk in front of Randy. I remember he liked to read. He was a nice kid. It’s good to see he’s remembered well by others too.

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