West Seattle weather: Thanksgiving sunbreak, Friday forecast

After the afternoon showers, a sunbreak just before sunset led to that view from Seacrest (and a nice splash of sunset color to the west). Wondering about tomorrow, for shopping, parade-watching, decorating, relaxing? Looks like more of the same.

4 Replies to "West Seattle weather: Thanksgiving sunbreak, Friday forecast"

  • s November 27, 2008 (6:28 pm)

    Happy Thanksgiving West Seattle and blog staff – you guys are great! Nice to know we can find something on here everyday, my favorite escape!

  • Sue November 27, 2008 (7:11 pm)

    We were at Alki – stopped into Tully’s before they closed, and then went for a walk before the sun set – the colors were stunning! This is our new tradition (started last week) – Thanksgiving meal followed by Tully’s followed by walk at Alki. A perfect Thanksgiving!

  • eileen November 27, 2008 (10:03 pm)

    Yes – thank you west seattle blog. You are a great resource and we appreciate all you do!

  • WSB November 27, 2008 (10:56 pm)

    Thank you for the kind words. We are thankful this year that we are about to celebrate our one-year anniversary of doing this for a living, rather than five hours before going off to work at the tv station and five hours afterward (the site itself is now almost 3) … thanks to everyone for the ongoing support and collaboration … we’re so glad to have you here – TR

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