Anybody have room for a guest teacher?

Just e-mailed by Delridge District neighborhood coordinator Ron Angeles, this note from Chief Sealth High School:

Chief Sealth High School is seeking a family to host our Chinese guest teacher. Zhu Dan teaches Mandarin Chinese at Denny Middle School and Chief Sealth. She would need to have her own bedroom. The guest teacher is responsible for her own food. Zhu Dan has taught Mandarin at Denny and Sealth for a year and a half and she will need housing through the end of the 2008-2009 school year. She is a pleasure to host. If you are interested in hosting, please contact Principal John Boyd.

His number is (206) 252-8550.

1 Reply to "Anybody have room for a guest teacher?"

  • paul August 21, 2008 (3:54 pm)

    Wow, this is so cool! I wish we could because it would be the most amazing experience ever! I highly encourage anyone who could do this to do it! I have friends who have done this in the past and their guest had them speaking fluent Italian in 3 months.

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