West Seattle Crime Watch: Health-care office hit

Busy morning so far. In addition to the Hancock/Schuck’s demolition and a notable tree takedown (report to come), we were going through a sheaf of police reports downloaded last night at the precinct – when something too new to have been in that stack arrived in the WSB inbox from Dr. Elise Mullen:

(At) Seattle Wellness Programs, 5617 California Ave SW: We had someone come through the office, at approximately 8:20 pm (last night), while the massage therapist, Leah Bowman, was working and stole her purse which was in a back room. A police report has been filed Please let police know if anyone saw someone at that time or recovers the purse. 206-388-2929

2 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Health-care office hit"

  • JanS July 22, 2008 (2:48 pm)

    when I had an office near the junction a few years ago, I would keep the door locked in the evenings, and I never, ever saw new clients in the evening. Of course, I knew where the baseball bat and the knives were ;-) As luck would have it, the only time someone came in and took something was during the afternoon when the door was open…

  • charles July 22, 2008 (5:39 pm)

    if its not tied down, they will steal it. where do all these come from? locals? or is it because school is out for the sumner? funny i expected more cars to get stold.

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