Sunset shots, from Alki to Seacrest


Thanks to David Hutchinson for the sunset silhouette of the Tribal Journeys canoes and onlookers at Alki (here’s our earlier report, with more info, photos, and links) – the canoes will be on the beach till Saturday morning, so there’s still time to go see them in person. Meantime, thanks to Austin for photographing this fireboat show near Seacrest:


Photos, video, news tips, reader reports always appreciated, (other contact options listed here) … thanks!

3 Replies to "Sunset shots, from Alki to Seacrest"

  • rockergirl July 18, 2008 (7:54 am)

    Beautiful – I saw the fireboat from the bridge on my way home last night – sure was putting on a show – as well as the military helicopters doing a fly by across Elliot Bay and the City – Spectacular!

  • ellenater July 18, 2008 (10:56 am)

    beautiful shot, thanks.

  • Sue Charles July 19, 2008 (1:23 am)

    What breathtakingly beautiful photos! The one of the Tribal canoes on the beach at sunset is stunning! I will post links to this page and your other story and photo pages on our site so the folks on Native Canoe Journey from our many Tribes and Native Nation communities will be able to see them later when they get back home from Paddle to Cowichan in August.

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